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December 23rd, 2006
Well, doesn't the holiday season always bring out the best in people?
(sarcasm) So I am in line at Zellers, and they open the cash next the line I
am in. I tell the lady in front as she is next in line. She almost gets
plowed over by these 2 native Canadians. When I said that she was next...
their reply was "she never asked to serve the next person, she said anyone
over here" I looked at him, and said "It's common sense and courtesy that
she was next, you were at the back of the other line, how were you close to
be next in line and waiting less time then the rest of us?" They just
shrugged and turned around.
Gotta love lineups and how everyone thinks that they should be first. Who
cares about anyone else. What is this world coming to?
December 8th, 2006
as reported by 680 news
Harper declares same-sex issue closed after
Commons defeats motion
December 8, 2006 -
Prime Minister
Stephen Harper votes in the House of Commons.
(CP PHOTO/Tom Hanson)
OTTAWA (CP) - The last major threat to
same-sex marriage rights in Canada was soundly
defeated in the House of Commons on Thursday,
with MPs sending the message they don't want to
revisit the emotional, divisive debate.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he heard
the message and will respect it. "We made a
promise to have a free vote on this issue, we
kept that promise, and obviously the vote was
decisive and obviously we'll accept the
democratic result of the people's
representatives," Harper said. "I don't see
reopening this question in the future."
The question put to MPs was whether they
wanted to see legislation drafted to reinstate
the traditional definition of marriage, while
respecting the existing marriages of gays and
That Conservative motion failed 175-123.
In the tense Commons, MPs watched each other
carefully to see how the other would vote. Some
Liberals cheered as prominent Tories voted to
let sleeping dogs lie. Some Conservatives
applauded Liberals who did the opposite.
Ultimately, more MPs supported same-sex
marriage than in the last vote on the issue in
June 2005.
During that charged vote last year, only
three Tories voted in favour of expanding the
definition of marriage. On Thursday, the number
who approved the status quo was 13, including
high-profile politicians such as Foreign Affairs
Minister Peter MacKay, Transport Minister
Lawrence Cannon and International Development
Minister Josee Verner.
Said Cannon: "The file is finished. We're
turning the page."
On the Liberal side, the number of MPs
committed to going back to the traditional
definition of marriage dropped from 32 to 13. MP
Joe Comuzzi, who lost a ministerial post the
last time around for refusing to toe the cabinet
line, voted against Thursday's motion.
Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe, who
himself had two MPs snub party discipline
Thursday by not voting at all, said he imagined
the result was precisely what the Conservative
government was hoping for.
"I think it's over now. I'm pretty sure that
Mr. Harper is also pleased with what happened,"
Duceppe said.
In fact, many Tories had said privately -and
publicly - over the last few months that they
wanted to get past the same-sex marriage issue
and have it done with before the next election.
Tory MP Bill Casey said the vote came as a
relief. Casey also went from supporting
traditional marriage to wanting to have the
matter closed.
"If the vote had gone the other way, we would
have spent the next several years with this as
the main motivator here .�.�. so I just voted to
move on," Casey said.
But some politicians were questioning whether
the Conservatives had something else up their
sleeve. Some reports had said the government was
poised to introduce legislation to protect
Canadians who did not want to perform gay
marriages for religious reasons.
Justice Minister Vic Toews and Harper said
that wasn't in the cards, for the time being.
"The government has no plans in that regard,"
Harper said. "If there were any time in the
future when fundamental freedoms were
threatened, of course the government would
respond to protect them. The government has no
plans at this time."
The House of Commons has been dealing with
the issue of same-sex marriage in earnest since
2003, when the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled
that barring same-sex couples from marriage was
Gays and lesbians began marrying in the
province, and soon other jurisdictions faced
similar rulings and began issuing licences.
About 24,000 gay Canadians, as well as
foreign visitors, have been married in the last
three years.
The previous Liberal government took the
further step of consulting the Supreme Court on
whether its own legislation would infringe upon
freedom of religion. The court responded that
the Charter would protect churches from having
to officiate such marriages.
Laurie Arron of Canadians for Equal Marriage
celebrated the decision.
"It's quite clear that after three votes in
three years in three different parliaments that
this issue is settled," Arron said. "It's quite
clear there is a growing consensus among
Canadians the equal marriage is here to stay."
Meanwhile, REAL Women of Canada, a socially
conservative lobby group in favour of
traditional marriage, said they would push for a
national referendum on the issue.
"Elitist political leaders apparently believe
that Canada is still in the twentieth century,
where political parties ignored the opinion of
the voting public," the group said in a release.
"Arrogant political leaders do not, in fact,
know what's best for everyon - e."
A list of how MPs voted on the same-sex
marriage issue Thursday
OTTAWA (CP) - A list of how MPs voted
Thursday on a Conservative motion to introduce
legislation to restore the traditional
definition of marriage, in alphabetical order:
Yeas (123):
Abbott, Ablonczy, Albrecht, Allen, Allison,
Ambrose, Anders, Anderson, Batters, Benoit,
Bernier, Bezan, Blackburn, Blaney, Bonin,
Boucher, Breitkreuz, Brown (Barrie), Brown
(Leeds-Grenville), Bruinooge, Byrne, Calkins,
Cannan (Kelowna-Lake Country), Carrie, Casson,
Clement, Cullen (Etobicoke North), Cummins,
Davidson, Day, Del Mastro, Devolin, Doyle,
Dykstra, Epp, Fast, Finley, Fitzpatrick,
Flaherty, Fletcher, Gallant, Goldring, Goodyear,
Gourde, Grewal, Guergis, Hanger, Harper, Harris,
Harvey, Hawn, Hearn, Hiebert, Hill, Hinton,
Jaffer, Jean, Kamp (Pitt Meadows-Maple
Ridge-Mission), Karygiannis, Kenney (Calgary
Southeast), Khan, Komarnicki, Kramp (Prince
Edward-Hastings), Lake, Lauzon, Lee, Lemieux,
Lukiwski, Lunn, Lunney, MacKenzie, Malhi, Mark,
Mayes, McKay (Scarborough-Guildwood), McTeague,
Menzies, Merrifield, Miller, Mills, Moore (Fundy
Royal), Nicholson, Norlock, Obhrai, O'Connor,
Oda, Pallister, Petit, Poilievre, Preston,
Rajotte, Reid, Ritz, Scarpaleggia, Scheer,
Schellenberger, Shipley, Skelton, Smith,
Solberg, Sorenson, Stanton, Steckle, Storseth,
Strahl, Sweet, Thompson (New Brunswick
Southwest), Thompson (Wild Rose), Tilson, Toews,
Tonks, Trost, Tweed, Van Kesteren, Van Loan,
Vellacott, Wallace, Wappel, Warawa, Warkentin,
Watson, Williams, Yelich.
Nays (175):
Alghabra, Andre, Angus, Asselin, Atamanenko,
Bachand, Bagnell, Bains, Baird, Barbot, Beaumier,
Belanger, Bell (North Vancouver), Bell
(Vancouver Island North), Bellavance, Bennett,
Bevilacqua, Bevington, Bigras, Black, Blaikie,
Blais, Bonsant, Boshcoff, Bouchard, Bourgeois,
Brison, Brown (Oakville), Brunelle, Cannon
(Pontiac), Carrier, Casey, Chamberlain, Chan,
Charlton, Chong, Chow, Christopherson, Coderre,
Comartin, Comuzzi, Cotler, Crete, Crowder,
Cullen (Skeena-Bulkley Valley), Cuzner, D'Amours,
Davies, DeBellefeuille, Demers, Deschamps,
Dewar, Dhaliwal, Dhalla, Dion, Dosanjh, Dryden,
Duceppe, Easter, Emerson, Eyking, Faille,
Freeman, Fry, Gagnon, Gaudet, Gauthier, Godfrey,
Godin, Goodale, Graham, Guarnieri, Guay, Guimond,
Holland, Hubbard, Ignatieff, Jennings, Julian,
Kadis, Karetak-Lindell, Keddy (South Shore-St.
Margaret's), Keeper, Kotto, Laforest,
Laframboise, Lalonde, Lapierre, Lavallee,
Layton, LeBlanc, Lemay, Lessard, Levesque,
Lussier, MacAulay, MacKay (Central Nova), Malo,
Maloney, Manning, Marleau, Marston, Martin
(Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca), Martin (LaSalle-Emard),
Martin (Sault Ste. Marie), Martin (Winnipeg
Centre), Masse, Mathyssen, Matthews, McCallum,
McDonough, McGuinty, McGuire, Menard (Hochelaga),
Menard (Marc-Aurele-Fortin), Merasty, Minna,
Moore (Port Moody-WestwooduPort Coquitlam),
Mourani, Murphy (Charlottetown), Murphy
(Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe), Nadeau, Nash,
Neville, Ouellet, Owen, Pacetti, Paquette,
Paradis, Patry, Pearson, Perron, Peterson,
Picard, Plamondon, Prentice, Priddy, Proulx,
Ratansi, Redman, Regan, Richardson, Robillard,
Rodriguez, Rota, Roy, Russell, Savage, Savoie,
Scott, Sgro, Siksay, Silva, Simard, Simms, St.
Amand, St. Denis, St-Cyr, St-Hilaire, Stoffer,
Stronach, Szabo, Telegdi, Temelkovski, Thibault
(West Nova), Turner, Valley, Verner, Vincent,
Volpe, Wasylycia-Leis, Wilfert, Wilson,
Wrzesnewskyj, Zed.
November 21st, 2006
Deaths |
Star, Tuesday, November 21, 2006 |
HURDLE, Celestine Rosemary Passed away peacefully at the
Penetanguishene General Hospital on Saturday, November 18, 2006 in
her 73rd year. Mrs. Celestine Hurdle of Perkinsfield (formerly of
Scarborough). Beloved wife of Wilfred H. Hurdle for 53 years. Loving
mother of Catherine Thurston (Peter), Joseph Hurdle (Jennifer),
Robert Hurdle (Anna Gauthier), Paul Hurdle and John Hurdle (Ruth).
Cherished grandmother of Jason, Jeffrey, Adam, Karen, Sean, Spencer,
Wilfred, Taylor, Andrew, Michael, Tyler and Nicole. Dear sister of
Bernice Copeland and Paul Lehman and predeceased by Laura Rigler and
Joseph Lehman. She will also be missed by her many nieces, nephews,
extended family and friends. Friends will be received at the
NICHOLLS FUNERAL HOME, 330 Midland Ave., Midland, Ontario
705-526-5449 on Wednesday, November 22, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick's Church,
Perkinsfield on Thursday, November 23 at 11 a.m. Memorial donations
to the Huronia Hospitals Foundation (Dialysis Unit) would be
Date Posted: |
November 18th, 2006
Went to see the new 007 flick, Casino Royale. It was an ok movie as a whole,
but not, in my opinion a traditional BOND film. Too much focus on a love
story, not enough gadgets, not enough explosions and no Q. There were some
cool moments, but he did drive a FORD for a couple mins there... What is up
with that.
(next part may ruin it a bit)
I think that the "organization" that you never really find out about, maybe
be SPECTRE....
August 6th, 2006
Ok, well I am the MC at Kris with a K, and Franks Wedding. They are tying
the knot... My first gay wedding and I am the MC... he he.. I hope I don't
fuck it up, for the sake of my friendship with them...
And, Shawn and Sheldon are finally gettin hitched as well.
Always a bride's maid and never a bride.
July 30th, 2006
Went camping this past weekend. Have not been back woods, crown land camping
in about 5 years I guess. Got off work, drove to Honey Harbour, got in the
boat (Jeff (brother) picked me up) with his GF. Started on our way,
and then as we were half way there, it started to DOWN POUR, so we got wet,
real wet. 14ft aluminum boat, no covering. :P
Stopped by the time we got to the site. It was great to be out in the wild
again, with part of the old crew. It has been TOOOOOO long guys. A few of us
went out to McCrae Lake, (where we used to camp, this new spot is much
better) we portaged the boat across the rock so we could use it in McCrae.
Set on our way to find the jumping rock. Found it after some travel, and
there were some HOT Americans there. From Troy, MI area.
It was about 30ft high, give or take. We just started Jumping. Chris (the
brit, here on vacation) loved it. Went a couple of times, and on my last
jump, I went down wrong. You have to watch your form... point your
toes, arm up, and when you get under water arc your body so you don't go
toooo deep. Well I entered on an angle /. And now my bum is bruised and
sore. Almost to the point of needing a donut to sit on.. lol
Went the next day, and did one jump, and impact pressure hurt my eardrum.
Excruciating pain. Now for those that don't know, and not many people do. I
had some kick ass killer ear aches when I was 5yrs old, this felt like that.
My dad and brother have issues with depth as well, Genetics. Well finally
got packed, and home, and the pain was worse... Thank you Tylenol 3's...
There is a video of the jump, so watch out for it, when I get it sent to me,
I will post it.
June 30th, 2006
So yeah, it has been a while since I posted some news. I fell behind ok...
:P Deal with it.
May 22nd, 2006
So I went to Cedars this weekend, I promised a friend I would be there no
matter what. I forgot to mention the weather as a stipulation. It was
fawking cold, windy and wet. Some dykes couldn't pitch a tent properly, it
was folding over in the wind, one blew over. Most of the camping area was
under water. Just the hardcore campers were there.
Met up with this seasonal guy Tony, he was a blast, and Nicki, Michael and
Shawn had the site next to us. Casper knew them from last year.
It was still a good time even though it was cold, wet and windy. Most people
just stayed at their sites, not much cruising this year. There were some
cute guys there.
Lots of the wimps left on Sat night. Couldn't handle the cold... tsk tsk
So it wasn't a waste of a total weekend, I did make out and french kiss a
dyke afterall.
May 18th, 2006
Well was watching GLOBAL news at 11pm. And I saw one of my old swings on the
news. Apparently she was arrested for gang activity and associations. :|
Tread lightly girl... be careful...
May 16th, 2006
XIEK.COM gets erased! Stupid Microsoft products.
April 28th, 2006
Well, I don't get it. The U.S. wants church and state separated, and then in
the PUBLIC school system, they start whining about religious beliefs.
As posted on Rogers Yahoo News : Reuters
"The complaint said the school had "begun a process of intentionally
indoctrinating very young children to affirm the notion that homosexuality
is right and normal in direct denigration of the plaintiffs' deeply held
A teacher read the book, "King and King", written by 2 Dutch women, it is
about a Prince who rejects all the princesses and eventually falls in love
with a Prince, and they kiss.
The parents are saying that it breaks a 1996 law that requires the school to
notify parents of sex-ed classes. Apparently, 2 men kissing is sex-ed. So
had the story been about a man and woman, would they complain when they
kissed that it was sex-ed?
It did not agree with the families moral values they are Judeo-Christian, so
you know what, don't send your kids to a public school. Remember when
everyone bitched to remove the Lord's Prayer from public school? If they
want to have the separation, and have their kids taught more in line with
their "personal family values" then they should send their kids to Catholic
or Private school.
Just the same as when I was in High school, I can remember when kids were
bitching that they had to take a religion course, well you know what, you
are in a Catholic school... Deal with it or go somewhere else. YOU CHOSE TO
April 24th, 2006
Ok, so the beloved hotels.com, is CRAP. They don't have lower rates, I have
tried to use it 3 times, and each time, it was cheaper to use the actual
hotel website then hotels.com. So don't always assume that hotels.com is
cheaper, and even the girl on the phone made me wait about 10 mins while she
logged onto the site, and she would only match it. Last year, they tried to
say that a room at the Days Inn was $800.00 per night. Even the manager was
floored when I asked him on the phone, and said, he had to follow what
accounting said.
April 13th, 2006
Well, Xiek another year older this year... and well, I do feel a lil
older... Was a lil different as there was no XSRBBBES, well it is post-poned
until the summer, given that it is Easter weekend and I am in Midland now..
Thanks to all who sent cards... They wer FUN... and to all that didn't..
We went to Boston Pizza with my Family, had a HOT waiter JAYSON, he was fun
and flirty... not sure if he was a team player or not, but damn I hope so.
Would be a great b-day wish come true.

So MOM remembered my NEKKED SKI RACE... he he Guess I have not outgrown it
yet... Dad was going to draw skis on it... hehe
April 4th, 2006
Xiek, your Sex IQ is 1
You scored higher than 95% of other people who have taken our test
February 26th, 2006
The 2006 Turin games are over... and Canada had it's best ever!! 24 medals
7, 10, 7 in Gold, Silver, Bronze. Cindy Klassen became nabbed the highest
medal count in a games for a women with 5. Hopefully the next games will
have more of an audience then these did. Sure our men's hockey sucked out,
but I think that they deserved it. They were a bit cocky. I read somewhere
that if you added up their NHL salaries, had that been an actual team, it
was worth more then 800 million dollars, almost 1 Billion, that is
ridiculous. We did have lots of fourth places as well. A couple by .003, and
.004, but they still weren't medal wins. This ain't Meet the Fockers, they
don't give away ribbons up to 10th place. Top three baby. I am still proud
of our Olympic Team, and they should be proud as well. Here is to Vancouver
2010 and an even better medal turnout, we can't have another Calgary, where
we did not even get a Gold.
Although I would have liked to beat the U.S., just because. But we wanted 25
and top 3 finish, we got 24 and 3rd.
Check out the final standings on my photo page.
February 25th, 2006
Tonight was the first known Drag Show that was held in Midland. So of course
I had to get tickets. I took Kris, Frank, Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa. It
was the the RIV BISTRO which normally serves great food. So, here is a bit
of a review. As a whole it was ok as drag shows go. Even though when I said
DRAG to the performer, he got insulted, dude your wearing more makeup then
that preacher lady, and wearing a dress. UR IN DRAG.
Madame Outrageous, for someone who has been doing this for 20 yrs, did not
really know the words to the songs, not lip syncing very well. I mean
really. She also did not seem to have a plan for the evening, and when the
show is 2.5 almost 3 hours long, you should have a bit, or plan, or act,
something. Her partner and musical director, Peter T, had better syncing.
The dinner was pretty good. I heard the fish and steak were great, but the
pasta was bland, and salad had TOO MUCH PEPPER IN IT.... WAY TOO MUCH.
I think again it was good to open some eyes in Midland by having a drag show
here, and I may support more in the future.
The show ended on a bad note when she insisted on one more number, and
proceeded to take her wig off, and start talking on what to do, and decided
to just do that and she'll wing it, as she put it.
February 20th, 2006
Well apparently a recent study found out that "Don't Ask Don't Tell" has
cost the military 363.8 Million dollars. Will they keep the program or keep
losing due to principal....
February 11th, 2006
It is the last day of Gay Ski Week 2006... :( so sad.. But I leave having
met lots of new friends, and had a great week of skiing, the only way it
could have been better would have been 10cm of fresh snow everyday... But
C'est la vie. The FRESH Heights Dance until Dawn party, was a circuit party,
but it was still a fun time. Looking around seeing all the new friends,
kissing and making out, all the one niters that are about to happen. It was
sweet... Dave painted his body and danced in a skimpy fur underwear thing,
that's our Dave. I will definitely be back next year, hope to bring one or
two of you with me... Y'all would enjoy it.
February 10th, 2006
Well, today was a great day on the mountain. Was supposed to be my last day
but I am here, and so is the mountain, and well the weather may never be
this great in the future. I may as well take advantage of it.
They announced the results today of the charity race for AIDS VANCOUVER.
There was a tie for first. I will post the results when they email them to
me. They said that they would... One of the people that won 1st, was a
lesbian from I am not sure where... The other person was.... ME! That is
right, I tied for first with .05 off my guessed time. I can share the title,
the prize turned out to not be as expected. I got a pair of ladies small
gloves (going to try and exchange), goggles, hat, and an all access pass to
next years event. That is worth about $300-400, so not all bad. Tonight is
the pub-crawl and I was invited to a private party at a big condo as well,
so I may check that out as well.
Tonight's event was the pub crawl. We started at Maxxfish, wish is a pretty
good bar. The DJ however was on a power trip. He just played "we are family"
and another pretty gay track, so for fun me and my friends requested "YMCA".
The DJ said that he would much later, I asked why not now, he just played
some pretty gay tracks. His reply to that was "I am the DJ, not them, I play
it when I want". We left and went to Moe Joe's, a little more clubby music
(5ive type), but lots of cute guys, some straight ones that did not know
where they were... that was fun... :D DJ Nasa from Puerta Valarta Mexico in
my opinion is not a good DJ, a DJ should take into consideration and play
what the crowd wants to play. I mean were all drunken homos... YMCA just
fits... chit.
February 8th, 2006
Yes that is right, Xiek skied down a racing slalom course completely
naked, just wearing his goggles. The event was for charity, to raise money
for kids with Aids. If we went naked, we got a 2 second handicap for our
times. There was one other that I heard of and saw that went naked. I also
heard of one other that went shirtless. We had to guess our time and then go
down the course and try to achieve that time. My 2 best runs were .05, and
.09 of a second off my guess. I hope that is good enough. The prize is a new
pair of skis, they will announce it on Friday at one of the parties.
Now though, I am known as the naked skier amongst the guys here. Don't
count on too many pics posted here of my bare ass... I am sure they are
already on the net somewhere, or in a magazine... There was more then enough
cameras there. At least one professional, not sure what she was taking for
though... :$
February 7th, 2006
SO it has been 2 days of skiing. OUCH.. my thighs... They are soooo
sore. First time skiing in a year and I ski the bloody height of the
mountain... If your going to do something, do it right.
Met some familiar faces from last year. That was great, some names and
info I knew, some took a minute to click in. Had a blast skiing with Kevin
and Sherry from last year. Met some great lesbians from Dildo, NF (Ottawa,
ON really) they apparently have become my pimps.. Trying to hook me up at
every chance. Last night on the 6th, managed to somehow have a cute boy
follow us home, Patrick.. A sort of local. Ended up in the hot tub at 1am,
nekked, then off to the steam room nekked too...
There are lots of hot men here.. so far most of them are already
partnered.. :( Went to the COWBOY party last night, in my get up, ended up
in a dance off with another cowboy (still not sure how) I was pretty sore,
so my dancing was not that great. He had a better authentic hat anyways. I
got the consolation prize, a free facial and gay week DVD video diary.
If you happen to be reading this and were there, go to the
ASK XIEK page and let me know. I would love to
hear from all you gay skiers out there. Some that stand out, are Pat and
Kathie (OTT), Greg (CA), Kevin (Holland) & Sherry (NY) and Princess
(forget), Jason and Yoav (NY), Hal (BC), Dan (NY), Will (NY), Simon
(Thailand), Liz and ___ (UK). Homos have come from all over the globe. It is
great, and they are all pretty much friendly and easy to talk to. check out
the pics section for photos of the adventures. Will be updated as friends
email their pics to me and I add them to the site. Should prove to be lots
of them.
February 5th, 2006
Well, today was the first day in Whistler, I spent the weekend in
Vancouver with Sheldon. It was good times, relaxed during the day, and
partied at Odyssey and Celebrities on each night. Met up with my friend Rod,
partied with him, met his very cute friend Jason... Invited Sheldon up to
Whistler, along with his friend Peter (CUTE AUSSIE), how could I not ask him
January 12th, 2006
Ok, I came across this as I was reading the Instinct Cover Boys Blog
page. bratboyschool.com, it is a
review of a gay porn
written by a straight guy, and this tells us why he did it. If
only all breeders were as cool as him.
Why would any logical straight guy willingly review gay porn?
Because gay people are amazing. Gay people earn more money than straight
people, are more cultured than straight people, and generally have have a
much better sense of style than straight people. Gross generalization? I
think not. According to Forrester, a leading marketing research firm, the
average household income for gay people is $61,300 compared with $56,900 for
heterosexuals. In addition, 19% of gay men hold post-graduate degrees
compared with 14% of straight men. 84% of gay men and women hold a valid
passport compared with the United States average of 29%. Thus, gay people
are better than straight people. Do I even have to say that it is trendy to
be gay now?
Straight people are boring. We watch sports, play mind games constantly in
relationships, and have a horrible taste in clothing. Reviewing gay porn
essentially makes me slightly more gay than the average straight guy, and
resultingly, slightly more cool than the average straight guy. I'm willing
to do about anything to be cooler than my vagina-loving, hawaiian-shirt-wearing
peers in the straight community.
Make sure to tell me what you think of my reviews on the JuicyGoo Message
Boards. I hope you enjoy my reviews. Stay strong, stay gay, and stay
January 8th, 2006
Today we went to see the much talked about "Brokeback Mountain". I must
say I really enjoyed it. Took some thinking and paying attention though. It
was really deep and I guess everyone will get something different out of it.
I recommend that you go and see this movie. It shows both the external and
internal struggle in dealing with being a homosexual.
Heath and Jake make a great team, and well are very sexy lying together
and kissing on screen. Not as much skin shots as one would hope for. The
first sex scene I didn't really get, there was no lead up, no real hints,
just a wham bam pass out and sleep. Sounds like a date I once went on.. hehe
After that night, they have many more on the mountain, but don't see each
other after that summer for 4 years. And after that, see each other a couple
times a year, going "fishing" and "camping" for a week or two. Both are
married with kids.
They hide their romance for a number of years, but one wife saw them kiss
that first meeting, and has suspicions every since, she set him up pretty
good and caught him in a lie.
Jake wants them to move in together and start a ranch, but Heath is scared
to live with a man, as what people may do to them if they suspected. 20
years go by of just little meetings here and there.
In the end, Jake dies on the side of the road, though it is unclear if it
was an accidental death, or if he was murdered. When Heath's character finds
out, he is crushed and regrets not showing his love more.
MY MORAL - Seize the day, don't wait, take that chance, cause you may never
get another one.
January 4th, 2006
I have gotten a lot of responses to my New Year Address, more then I
expected, which is great. Some of you were surprised that I could get that
'deep' and emotional in my e-mails. I do think about stuff like that a lot,
and often. It wasn't meant to sadden anyone, more of just a "food for
thought". I am sure it meant something a little different to everyone. Next
time you get upset about a mistake that someone made, that is life, people
make mistakes, don't you?
December 31st, 2005
Well 2005 has come to an end. As I reflect back on this past year, as
everyone should, and just do a check on on where you are in your goals.
Everyone should have some goals for themselves to achieve.
2005 I went to Altitude, met some great guys from around the world. Some
came to TO to visit, and I went there to visit them as well. An ex moved
into my townhouse, and we became closer friends. I quit my 12 yr career to
move home and work for Dad, which meant leaving my friends in the city. Made
some new friends up here. Met a boy, and are dating him. Spent New Years at
the Gay Bat in Sudbury, it was a lot more fun then you think. And have
re-connected with old friends thought lost.
I didn't get promoted at McD, I didn't travel as much as I wanted to. I
don't have my own house yet.
I challenge all of you to do the same. What did you do and didn't you
scratch off your list? How many NEW people did you meet? How many old
friends did you lost touch with. As you think of that, take a minute and
send that e-mail to that friend that you don't talk to often but would like
to. Don't let the excuse "well they don't email me" be the reason that you
don't talk anymore.
There is an email about friendship out there. "Are you a reason, season,
or lifetime?" Those are the 3 types of friends there are.
December 21st, 2005
So today is the first day of winter... officially at 1:35pm.... Wiked...
Can't wait to go skiing, had not gone yet, we had snow, but not enough,
hope to get more, but the weather forecast calls for rain on Christmas. :(
oh yeah, and Merry Christmahanukwanzmakuh to all!!!!
November 17th, 2005
Got my flu shot today. Not sure if it was for the first time or not... I
cannot remember if I have gotten one in the past. So we will see what this
does this year, if anything at all... But with that Bird Flu M1 something 9
going around out there, thought I better get my shot, before there is none
left, as there is not enough to give the whole country. Bet ya didn't know
that eh?
I also decided today that I ain't going to comment on my friends Scott's
site, until he leaves a comment on mine. I think that is fair.
Also asked some of my sk8r friends for their help and support in building
the indoor skate park at the Old St. T's that some people are starting to
try and do. Will have to see where that can go.
October 15th, 2005
It has finally happened, well maybe it happened before this, but I just
really noticed it today.
I was driving a customers car to their work, yes we do deliver on
occasion, well I was trying to cross Bayfield, the shop is in a peculiar
spot for this. I wanted to go right to the right, and turn right at the
lights, which is close. There was a big Chev Diesel truck in the middle
lane, I signaled to him that I wanted to go right over to the other side, he
looked at me and then closed the room in front of him. How inconsiderate of
him. Well at least the person behind him let me in, but just as this
happened a red TransSport sped up the right lane and cut in with no signal
on and almost hit me (keep in mind I am driving a customers car). The real
kicker, remember that Chevy Truck? Well it turned into the left lane, the
one I was in when it wouldn't let me in, he did not signal, and the only
reason he had room to pull out, I was blocking all the traffic behind me.
I thought Canadians prided ourselves on our good nature and caring for
others. When did we lose this trait? Especially in the north up here, I can
see doing that in Toronto, or Montreal, well I have been to those places and
HAVE seen it. Do we only treat other countries with our kindness, and who
cares about our fellow Canadians? We cannot let this go on.
We all need to do our part to help each other out. So DON'T speed up and
merge at the last second squeezing in where you shouldn't, DO wait and let
one car into the lane from the onramp. When Merging, think ZIPPER, they
alternate the teeth, if more then one tooth of a zipper tries to get in
between two others, the zipper fails... Much is the same when merging. THINK
October 14th, 2005
Ok, get this. As reported by global news. Vlado Miljkavich is serving a life
sentence for a double murder. He is a non-smoker and while in jail, was
exposed to 2nd hand smoke. So he hired a lawyer, sued the CSC (Corrections
Services Canada), and won $5,000. He is working on a second suit for
something undisclosed at this point.
I mean really, and did you know that out of country prisoners WANT to stay
in our jails, because they are internationally known to be CUSHY. Over the
last couple years, over 41 inmates have transferred home from abroad. They
were in jail for committing crimes in another country. Only 4 have left
Canada to go to their native country. If I can remember I believe it costs
Canada about $30,000 to transfer a prisoner home and about $84,000/yr to
house a prisoner in a Canadian Jail.
Is that right? Should a criminal have a better life then a lot of law
abiding Canadians, is the reform of a person possible? Is it worth it?
Should we cut down resources available to convicts?
October 10th, 2005
Well what a fucking shitty end to a great nite. Dinner and chat was great,
but then since I did not come to a complete stop at a red light, and a cop
was nearby, there is nothing better for a cop to do in this small town.
I mean in Oakville when my car was broken into, vandalized, wallet stolen,
they wouldn't even send a cop to take my statement, I had a fingerprint as
well. The cop actually said I was up shit creek, I mean really, and up here,
they send 2 cruisers to investigate a bicycle stolen at a farm on some
remote concession. Maybe this is a rant as I am pissed off that I got caught
for not stopping, but I do think that means that we have too many cops in
this town, and not enough in the big cities. Look at the gang activity
there. Also, one can argue that if we had less, there would be more crime
here then there is now. The door swings both ways, now the question is, do I
fuck him when he comes into my shop to get his car fixed or act like nothing
I believe it is true, cops do pick on the high priced cars more then the
shitboxes. Trust me on that one.
September 29th, 2005
September 19th, 2005
Well this weekend was my first long road trip in a long time! Went to
the windy city, Chicago. Took my friend Jeff along for the ride. What a ride
it was.
Ok, first off, American roads... do they pay taxes at all? And if so, do
they spend any of it on the roads? I mean I literally had to stop and check
to make sure I didn't break a tie rod or spring. It was BRUTAL.
We went for a Lance's B-Day, it was a grand party, from the guy who likes
str8 porn, to the Jew, to the many many any bottoms.... Heaven.. :P
Some guys from the party, Daniel and Michael took us out to the bars that
night, they kept us out pretty late. Jeff met Pietr, from Poland, he was in
the US to learn English, and wanted to have sex... LOL, damn those strict
Catholic roommates eh Jeff? Hydrate, Sidetraxx, and Roscoe's were on the
list, don't ask me where we were, or when we went to what bars, I had quite
a bit to drink before we got to that point. Lance had an open bar at his
We spent the day walking around DT looking at the architecture of Chicago,
went up the Hancock centre and the girl lied to us about facts... well they
have played on them. The Hancock tower is supposed to have the highest
restaurant in the world, but the CN Tower is quite taller then it, and has a
restaurant at the top, I have not checked the specifics of elevations above
sea level... Some great architecture though, and it was a good view from the
Went out to dinner to PingPong's with Todd, and he was right, the most
feminine Asian waiters you will ever see, EVER. But damn the food was good.
Oh, and it was BYOB, so we had to bring our own wine, there was a wine store
right across the street... most of the tables are on the sidewalk, great
place to cruise...
And it was back out for a bit on Sat nite. Although not for long, we was
tired.... Sorry Jeff. :(
Brunch at Crew a gay sports bar.. Yeah, who knew, I thought the same thing,
but it was kewl. While we were eating, some drunk guy fell into a paper box
and knocked it over, spent 10 mins on the ground, on his back (closet gay)
and then tried to get on the bus for free. Who knew we had free
entertainment, it was a great brunch theatre, although the shows have no set
time, your sure to see something there, wherever you are.
Start the long drive back, construction, car parts all over the road, and
lots of speeders. It was great. Found lots of runners, but forgot to slow
down when I lost mine. he he, $95 US for 5 miles over... Yeah I know OMG. he
he oops.
Oh yeah, and I would be safe with the stat of 1 in 10 cars in Chicago had
pretty substantial damage to somewhere on them. Mainly bumpers and 1/4
panels. Apparently, they use the the bump method of parallel parking. Even
cars with reverse censors and cameras, still hit the car behind them.. I
mean really. It was hard for us to drive 10 miles without seeing some part
of a car on the side of the road, from wheel bits, to bumpers, to 1/4 panels
to transmissions... yep, we saw one of those on the side of the road.
All in all, it was great, there are some pics up now, some more to follow
when Jeff sends me his. I will return to the windy city in the near future,
who is coming with me next time?
September 6th, 2005
First off, SWEET CAROLINE, BA BA BA!!!!!!
Well this weekend I got invited GAY CAMPING by
Casper.... and well it was very much GAY CAMPING all right. I mean, a dance
club, pool and restaurant is not real camping. The place is called Cedars,
and has been there for 17 years, 138 acre's I think.
Met a lot of people that I already knew there, and some
new faces as well. Umn, Stacey, Mario, Rob, George, Nancy, Rob's Neice
(sorry), Luan, Kossum, Carlos... Those were the main ones, and well then
there was Adrian from Bermuda.. YUM
Mario is just about the coolest str8 guy I have met to
date, and his gay neighbour Rob, is one of the cooler homos I now know as
It was tent after tent after tent of homos, it was
better then I thought, but different then what I was used to. I am used to
backwoods bushwhacking camping. No toilet, no dance club, no restaurant, no
people around, just lots of trees.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, now I think I have seen
everything... I guy had his tent next to ours, had an air mattress that had
(I am going to call them clasps). It went all around and had about 8 rings
so you could be tied up and shit... I mean, I guess when your camping you
still like to be tied up....
Oh and how could I forget the sites that brought
projectors with laptops and played porn on makeshift movie screens... I mean
only at a gay camp would that happen...
August 8th, 2005
OK, so it is a little delayed. But yes, Xiek has
resigned from his 12 year job under the Arches. It was hard, it was a huge
part of my life, but all good things must come to an end. Whether we want
them to or not. For a while, I had been thinking of moving on, and as much
as I am sure he would be proud to think it was all HIM that made me leave,
it wasn't. Though he was a BIG part of it. There are just some people out
there who you don't get along with and never will, you just clash too much,
and well HE was one of those people to me. I will miss my LADY, my BABYDOLL,
and all the rest of the employees that I have hired, worked with and fired
over the years.
That last day was teary eyed, with the friends bringing
presents and seeing me walk out in uniform for the last time, I am getting
vaclempt just writing this.
And to my customers, that said goodbye, got me little
things, and gave me advice, I hope that our paths will cross in the future.
July 16th, 2005
Well today was the Peel Pride Picnic. On the way up the
410, me and a hot guy in a Volvo were playing tag.... If anyone reading this
knows him, tell him to email me.. he he
The Picnic did not seem to have as well as a turnout as
last year, I think because of the weather. It was still a fun time. The men
won the tug-o-war again this year. Was there any doubt???
It rained for the last 2 hours, but again, we made the
most of it and there were a lot of we Queers.
I did meet some familiar faces from last year. Was nice
to see them again, it would be nice to see them more then just once per
year, but what can you do right?
June 27th, 2005
Yes, you guessed it, PRIDE TORONTO was this past week.
All-in-all it was a great week as a whole. Loved to meet all the new people,
talk to ones from all over the Globe. Heather from Rochester was an amusing
one to talk to. Telling us that Toronto was it's own country, had she not
been sloshed, I could kind of see that analogy, with our different cultures,
high population, and well non-easy transfer to surrounding cities via
S & S from couver came out for PRIDE again, it was a
blast with them on Friday and Saturday. Shawn can suck a mean neck and not
leave evidence of his presence, funny though, he likes to tell where he as
been. Could not find any futons this weekend though. The best line of Pride
this year. Waitress: :How's your Rum and Coke doing sir?" Xiek: "It's empty"
Chad, well what can we say about Chad, he was in the
parade handcuffed to a VERY HOT BOY. Which then turned out to be 90% nekked
in my bed napping after the parade, hey I was not complaining. :P
Not as much liqor was consumed as originally planned, I
take that as a good thing, which meant that I had a great time, with just a
Victoria and Michael my most favorite awesomest
bartenders in the world at Buddies, made my Sat. night enjoyable. Every bar
needs tenders like them. The rest of the staff at Buddies is "da bomb" as
well. Vic, LJ, Chris, IVAN, Mikey, Paul, Pat, Gavin, they make for a really
enjoyable time, and are great under pressure as well.
Stayed at the DELTA, nice hotel you would think, the
room was really nice, no fridge though.... ARGHHHH and well the housekeeping
staff missed a lot, the goop on the outside patio door, and some of the
inner room tidiness. So next year definitely going to try to book earlier
and get a hotel closer. Thinking the Sutton, but will ask the DYKE how it
was, that is where she got.
May 15th, 2005
May 12th, 2005
Today was our Golf meeting with work... It was fun, we
played 18 holes, T off at 9:48am, finished those at 1:30pm, and since the
meeting was not until 3pm, we decided to play another 9. 27 holes of golf...
my feet hurt, face and arms are burnt. BUT, I played a pretty good back
nine, and a really good final 9 as well... For someone that has only played
less then 10 rounds in my life, 96, and 45 are pretty good scores... :P
Now someone come massage my feet, back, and take care
of me....
May 6th, 2005
Ok, so I forgot some stuff... Thanx to those that
reminded me. Forgot that my friend Todd from Nebraska who I met in whistler
was down for the weekend and came to my bday as well... I need the pics you
took Todd. It was a blast seeing him, and he was in town recently again, but
had to fly back early, so could not meet up with him.
AND, Shawn was back for a visit for his Birthday from
Vancouver... So I had to leave work early to get his sexy ass from the
airport. Back here to change and shower..... no futons though, and then off
to KW to see some of his old friends. Hung out, had dinner, saw a movie, and
then played Mario Party 6, and oh was it a party, what happens playing Mario
Party 6, stays with Mario Party 6.
Can't wait for the next visit at Pride, and Sheldon
will be with him.. YUMMY
May 6th, 2005
Ok, what has gone on since the last time? Well some
Subby and I went out on the town, yes we are talking again, and well we got
attacked by SANTA CLAUS... (self proclaimed) This 'homeless' person (is that
ok? dwelling impaired?) who looked like Santa, and sounded drunk started
talking to us, and well Subby took it one step further and went along with
his Santa story.... This did not help... My friends from the US got grabbed,
and my ass got grabbed, and we had to lose him....
XSRBBBES went off without a hitch, and well no cake on
the walls this year... or the carpet...
HMMMMMM, the roommate situation is changing, and going
to go through a major haul very shortly, some buy choice on their part and
some by choice on my part.....
I think that is about it... the ones that chat to me,
may know more....
I have been gettin a lot of strangers taking my quiz
and doing pretty good on it... Keep em coming, and if you want a reponse,
put a real addy there.
March 12th, 2005
Yeah it has been awhile since I updated this thing,
sorry was busy with other stuff...
Went to go see Margaret Cho on the 10th... Fucking
Hilarious... I love her so much, and the fact that she prolly does control
ALGAYDA is even better... sorta like the Gay Mafia. The house was packed
with homos of all kinds, some breeders did not realize here homo following I
do not think. The ones beside me looked like they didn't anyways.. LOL
This coming week I am going to see RENT and WICKED,
both musicals, busy month for musicals I know. And also going to send out
the invites to my birthday party, which is going to be a toga party... WOO
HOO... :D
Can't think of much else that is going on at the
February 12th, 2005
So yeah there is a gap in my entries... Deal with it.
We were busy walking our feet off. Went for a walk the other day, ended up
in Stanley Park... 3.5 hours later, we got home. Almost sorta got lost...
but the nice men in the forest helped us get out... No just kidding, we
followed the path until we found civilization again and a map of the park..
It was a nice walk though.
Been to 2 bars here so far. Odyssey and Celebrities.
Odyssey had a shower night, where boys get up in a plastic box take their
clothes off and dance while being showered with water, it can be hot, only
one of 2 boys was. Odyssey makes their drinks much better then Celebrities.
Celebs has a much younger and hotter bar staff then
Odyssey, but they use machines to pour their liqor, and I am not even sure
that it is a full ounce, I should have asked them to pour it into a shot
glass first. It was odd having Bacardi in the pourers, but then having
Bacardi as a free pour bottle on the bar as well, maybe it is my cynicism,
but maybe it was not really Bacardi in the electric pourer.... Things that
make you go hmmmmm.
Both had similar music, Odyssey was not as circuity as
Celebs was though. And the cover was not as much either... Odyssey it is in
my books.
February 7th, 2005
Today I got some disheartening bad news. My Grandfather
has passed on. He was born January 22, 1931. It was a sad day he was loved
by all and will be remembered as such.
We will miss you.....
February 5th, 2005
Today was the final day of skiing for me I think. 4
days in a row is enough for me for this week. Met some more really nice guys
today, too bad we broke off from the ski group, our guide talked too much...
I will see them at the APRES ski party anyways, well they said they were
I took 2 dives today, one good one, well ok, 2
really good ones, a big PUFF of snow, as soon as the other boys email me the
pics, I will post them. As they took the pics of me.
Casper and Hansom20, you 2 would LOVE IT here, you
really would, you guys need to come with me next year.
I need a massage.....
February 4th, 2005
Well tonite's events were Tea Dance at the top of
Whistler and after that Meltdown at the bottom. Tea Dance was my choice, at
$100 a ticket, not sure it was worth it, other then I met some great new ppl.
I decided to ski tomorrow decided not to go Meltdown, and not sure that I
wanted to pay an arm and a leg... Someone is making a fortune off us fags
that is for sure.
After this week so far, I have yet to meet an arrogant
American asshole. Up until now, all the Americans I have met have been
complete assholes, but I guess I never have met gay ones.
The Gondola ride was quite nice up and down. Shared one
with Jez on the way down, a brit that is here just for skiing fun during the
season. Must be nice. He was good company.
It was my first "CIRCUIT PARTY", and where it was not a
bad one, I have had much better times at normal bars, and did not have to
shell out $100 a ticket for it.
February 3rd, 2005
We have had a great time, I say we, because I have met
up with a great group of Americans. Went to a SAGA party last nite after our
skiing, it was a private party that I got given a ticket to. It was a great
time, met lots of great guys.
Today we went up to ski, and well, put ourselves in the
wrong group.... so we broke off, Todd and Kevin staged a coup, and we went
on our own, took a couple with us. Had a good ol gay time on our own.
Today's APRES ski event, was $30, and well, not really
worth it... Just standing there, talking, although there were LOTS OF HOT
MEN. I know this does not sound like me, but I must say that I was liking it
a lot. I was one of the youngest, and have been for most of this week. It is
nice to hang out withguys with substance to them. It has been an eye opening
experience in that light.
We went out to dinner, 6 of us. Very nice time, very
good conversation. Emberto's was the place, very elegant.
The guy that work's the storage shack from Australia is
really nice, great conversationalist, he remembered me as well. In fact, I
know this is a resort town, but most of the employees are nice, every lifty
says HI to everyone as you get on.
Erin from Burlington, YUMMY.
February 2nd, 2005 (THE
This one comes to you from Beautiful British Columbia.
I am here on holiday enjoying the great hospitality of my 2 friends Shawn
and Sheldon. I do recommend that if you need to stay in Vancouver, Chez S&S
is at the very least a 5 star accommodation. Spent the weekend in Vancouver
gettin drunk in the house, and exploring the city a little bit.
Now I am in Whistler, went to the Cowboy night party.
Lots of HOT MEN, good music, met some really nice guys from the area and
abroad. Let me see if I can remember their names. Umn, James from London,
England, Michael, James, Robin, those were the yummiest ones.... And there
was my friend Dave, but he knows he is yummy.
Tomorrow we hit the slopes at 10am... it is 2am now...
plenty of time.... :D
And my final note for the night... Save a horse, ride a
cowboy.... :D
January 7th, 2005
Soooo, last night we went to Woody's for best chest. It
was a fun night, knew some of the contestants, met some new people. The
night got shitty when we were going to my car and they were about to tow me.
I was parking in a no stopping zone with no permit, hard to read the sign.
Fighting it.
Spent the night DT at a friends, get home this morning
to find a Dear John letter in my INBOX, I am now single.
Off to a great start on 2005
December 4th, 2004
So I am in Sudbury... Tis not as bad you may think it
is. I am here to visit my brother, who is going to school. Friday night I
went to Zig Zag's which is the local gay bar, yes Sudbury has one. Not a bad
one either.
They had a drag show the night that I was there, quite
the fun experience. The 2 running it where really good, and the one in the
short black dress was too, the rest, just seem to do it for shits and
giggles. Oh, and there was a VERY VERY good Drag King. I was quite
Met some nice guys there, danced a little as well. Had
lots to drink, at $4.75 each, an ok price, but they were pretty strong.
Music was mainly top 40, but he had other stuff that he played... Did not
have the original "I will Survive", I had to ask if it was a gay bar....
The decor was nice, and they practice a very
interpersonal system for coat check. You have to give your name, and that is
how they file your coat. Which works if there is a cute guy there, you can
find out his name.... or the coat check is cute, he has yours... he he
All in all, I would recommend and would go to Zig Zag's
again. Gets a semi-hard erection on Xiek's scale.
October 15th, 2004
So yeah, I am in Ottawa with my dykes... And of course
they took me to a Dyke bar last nite. There was about 4 guys there, 2 of
them were VERY HOT mind you, so it was not so bad. But I believe one of them
was straight....
Bartender was real cute, and real good, knew my
drinks fast and had them ready for me.
Tonight is Icon I believe, so maybe there will be
more guys around.. Don't get me wrong I like dykes, but there is a limit.
October 1st, 2004
So Margaritaville was tonight, it was a good, had a
great time, it was an 'amazing good time' - HappyGetLucky 'you sure through
a good bash' - ChadLooks like about 50 people
were there at one point. Pretty good turnout if I do say so. Roommates
invited some people I did not know, learning experience there.
The night was going great, meeting new people,
everyone was mingling, the daquris and margaritas were flowing. Then 2
breeders wanted to see if they could put their fists through drywall from 3
inches. One being my roommate.
He had his room broken into laptop and $$ stolen, I
had 5 shot glasses that were given to me that night go missing,
On the plus side, I met someone for the first time
with his BF, so that was great, and got some of my different circles of
friends together and they meshed quite nicely.
So look for the next party coming soon to a
Homestead near you.
September 25th, 2004
Yes, ok it has been a long time since I have updated
this section of my site. I have been really busy and unfortunately some
things had to give.
Quick update, things at work are still hectic, still
understaffed, how do you keep kids working for you when Mommy's allowance
offer for no work is much more appealing then having to actually do work for
the bling?
I did manage to purchase a new car... I loved my VW,
yes, I still like VW's but I have a new affinity for Mini Coopers.... What
can I say, I like irony? Small car, big guy? It really is like Dr. Who's
Tardis, bigger on the inside then on the outside. Got that at the end of
August, so it is still new to me.
Still single, but dating. Have lots of new roomies now.
3 gay, 2 str8, all very kewl. Very few issues at the moment, we may have
some cleaning issues in the near future.
Have been meeting lots of new people from the complex
and partying with them.
Last night I went to Embassy for the first time in
ages, and met a guy I have not chatted with in years. He recognized me, so
yes to all of you, my pic does look like me. We chatted for a bit, just goes
to show you you never who you will meet and where?
I wonder if this time he will stay in touch and email
me??? Here's hoping as he was very cute and so was his friend... ;)
I think that is about it for now, you can still send me
messages through my website, easiest way to get a hold of me, or on my cell
if you have it.
July 8th, 2004
Well I am now starring in a new show. "The Single Life"
June 30, 2004
HEY HEY HEY, Pride has come and gone, and so have a lot
of guys. LOL. I got my pics updated for Pride. I took about 210 photos that
weekend, and still did not get everything in that I wanted.
To those whom I did not see, or spend much time with I
am truly sorry. There is never enough time to fit everyone in. I did get to
meet a lot of friends that I have not seen in AGES, and also a lot of
friends that I have never met but have been talking to for years online. And
of course, there were some new friends that I had never talked to or met.
I Hope everyone enjoyed their Pride and knew their
limits, I know of one or two friends that partied a lil too hard. No names,
you guys, errr girls know who you are. ;)
I think that there were much more people here this year
than last year. Just seemed a lot busier. Although the parade this year
sucked compared to last year. Not as many actual floats, lots of marchers,
and just plain old cars driving down. The bloody thing took 3 hours to pass
The Peel Youth Group did make it into the Toronto Star
photo of the parade though, just in the background.
Oh, and I managed to find a BF. He is an amazing guy,
cute, funny, caring, social. All that matters in a partner. Looking forward
to many a great time with him.
June 17, 2004
Guess it is time for an update. Has been a while. Pride
is coming up, can't wait for that. Yeah I know lots of people are mixed on
Pride, what can I say, I still like it for now, mainly because it gets
people together.
Lots has happened, I now co-facilitate a gay youth
group here in Peel. Also I am on the Executive of
OUT@UTM , I am the external liaison... PLUS I still have my FT Job,
which is improving everyday. Baby steps.
No real BF yet, although there is a really kewl special
guy that I met, hope it works out with him, I really do.
May 14, 2004
PORT HOPE Here we COME!!!!
Gypsy was starring in Hedwig and the Angry Inch, in Port Hope at the
Capitol Theatre. So 5 of us decided to go and support him. Well it was
worth it. The show was not what I expected, but I loved what I got.
I knew what it was about, angry inch and all. Did not know it was pretty
much a one man, errr, woman, errr person show. But it was done very
well, and gypsy did an awesome job. Port
Hope, well what can I say about that. I wanted to go out for a drink in
downtown Port Hope, but no one else really did. Even though there was a
cougar cruising us from the window. Next time for sure, we will go out for a
drink. Came back to the Big Smoke and then we
decided to go to the gaybourhood for some ice cream, that turned into a
drink at Tango's turned into out until 230am. Well Xiek had to work at
630am. Can you say 1 hours sleep. But it was still a fun night.
April 21,
We did our usual Wed nite thing.
Fox & Fiddle in ssauga for cheap nite. And it was Mels last with us
before she moved back home... I AM GOING TO MISS YOU MEL.
Well, ended up that we somehow
managed to pick up 3 str8 guys, thanks to some help from Mel and Billy.
Tyler was CUTE though. YUM YUM. They followed us back to our house, a
lil odd yes. But they seemed nice and chatted with us until 5am. It did
take them awhile to clue in that MOST of us were gay. After a couple of
times of me callin Mel DYKE, and her calling me FAG, I think they caught
But a good fun nite all in all.
We slow danced on the dancefloor at
Fox. 4 of us, switching now and then. When it came to me and Sean, we
got dirty looks from all the breeders... But what the hell, it was damn
good fun.
Apparently just after I came in,
there were 5 cruisers here as someone called about a noise complaint, my
neighbor thinks it was her roommate.... Guess she lives with a bad one
April 18,
Yes, I am a lil slow at updating
ok. I have been busy at work.
This weekend was the 3rd Annual
XSRBBBES. It was short one of the Birthday boys for reasons not to be
discussed here.
Friday of course was at Xiek's
house and it was a fun nite had by all. I think my pullout got some
Thank you to all that came bearing
Sat night could have been better,
Buddies was hosted by NDP. Umn yeah, but I did get my pick with Jack..
LOL, and the good thing, they had both sides open. Some great retro in
the cabaret side.
Like I said, I am busy with work,
so this is short and sweet.
Pics will be posted soon.
March 18,
Sex pub at UTM, hosted by SEC and
OUT@UTM. Quite the nite, Tighty Whitey
contest, Female Jello wrestling. LOTS OF HOT COLLEGE BOYS, and they were
drunk..... :D
Did witness some gay bashing though
at one point during the tighty whitey contest. But I told the guy off,
he apologized and walked away in shame. Don't mess with me Mary SNAP
Although it was really nice to see
lots of heteros and homos conversing and having fun. The bartending
staff needed some more training on how to mix drinks properly though.
I must say it was an event to be
attended again.
28, 2004
Tonight was Sperm-a-go-go. Just a
celebration of spring. It was hosted at Xiek's house. Turned out to be a
good get together, had a couple of different circle's of friends that
came out, and mixed well. We partied into the wee hours of the morning.
21 people in all, and all had a good night. Sorry for those that had to
leave early. Not really sure what else to say without giving too much
away. Will teach all of you that did not come out to ensure you do not
miss the next one. Yes, the 3rd annual XSRBBBES is coming in Mid-April,
reserve your spot soon. Met some new friends at perm-a-go-go, so did all
that attended, and we will see what comes of those new friendships.....
21, 2004
Went out to Buddies tonight. Met 2
really cute nice boys. You know who u are. Had a friend do what I do not
want to think. Cheat on his BF.
I cannot believe that this person
would do such a thing.....
Was supposed to stay at a friends
house, but things do not always go to plan, so I came home instead.
20, 2004
What is there to say about tonight.
Went to the Auto Show, walked around a lot. Saw some really cool cars,
and some nifty concepts. Some I would own, some I would not. 3 of us
went, and well 2 of us got tired and went home early. Still feeling
somewhat social, I paid some friends a visit since I was already DT.
After a board game, we moved on to
Truth OR Dare. Yeah, exactly what it sounds like. Learned some new
things about my friends, and well some things that I had tried to forget
got brought back to.
Lets leave it at that.
January 26,
Wake up call at 730am to prepare
for my flight home. I missed the 25th yes, well not much happened, drove
Warren home, sat and vegged in front of the tube. Hey I am on vacation
and do need to do that once in a while.
Got all my stuff ready, confirmed
that my ride was able to pick me up as I received several calls about
BAD WEATHER in TO. After quadruple checking to make sure that my flight
was indeed on time. I got into the rental, made my way to the airport,
and had a LONG check in line to wait in. Where I did not get the SWEET
SEAT, I did manage an exit, so I have the leg room that I love so much.
At check in now, I realize that I
left a print that I had bought on the counter, hopefully it is still in
Vancouver. Maybe they can mail it to me.
Had breakfast at Milestones in the
airport. Umn, yeah, 2 thumbs down. Eggs Benedict, icky. I do not
recommend eating breakfast there.
Going through security was a chore
as well. They only had 2 detectors open and well a VERY LONG LINE of
people. I had to wait for 30 mins in that damn line. But did get through
and then not much time to wait at the gate.
Boarded, and got seated beside a
pastor or minister of some sort. Kinda funny, he was interested in the
boys on my background as I was typing as well as the gay magazine I was
reading.... But he was no where near the vocal ness of the Reverend
Jerry Falwell.
January 24,
Well, can you say HUNGOVER, I
admit, I was. It does happen often but when it does, damn it is a doosy.
What can I say, when I do something I go for the gold baby. It was a
very long drive home from Whistler on the Sea to Sky Highway. It was
heavily snowing when we left Whistler, plus you add the hungover factor
and the one emergency stop. Live and Learn n'est pas?
Just hung out in the hotel in
Vancouver today, tried to sleep, but was concentrating too hard on other
things to sleep. TEE HEE. So when it was time to go out, I was napping.
Went to Dave's in Couver at like 1030pm. Sat and socialized there with
Paul, Josh, and Jacob. Very kewl people and hell, we managed to get line
bypass and no cover which from what my other friends tell me, is rare.
Was not in much of a drinking mood
obviously, nor did I feel like dancing. So I socialized with Jacob,
flirted a little. By this time was Drunk as he should be giving it was
his birthday an all. He then acted like a leach and attached himself to
Warren's and my neck. Warren has more battle wounds than I do. The
Odyssey never really seemed busy although they kept the lines outside
long and slow moving. It was nice for a change not to be crammed in like
Finally met another friend of mine
from Afbramastan, Perry. He is in Couver for school, and happened to be
out Saturday night, am I surprised? Not really.
January 23,
We did not ski Whistler today, we
ended up on Blackcomb today. Visibility was poor at best. The ceiling
was low and the good snow was in the clouds. At one point I could not
see 30 ft in front of me as skiing. With a 1 mile total vertical, we
skied 4,000ft from rendezvous lodge to the base in whistler village. I
used muscles today that I forgot I had. Not a good idea to go to
Blackcomb to ski for the first time in 2 yrs. Lots of Aussie's work
We did have a gondola ride with
some HOMOPHOBES. Talking shit about ALTITUDE, the gay ski week here. It
could possible be the last one, as the organizer did a swan dive off a
balcony and well, did not survive.
Went to a high class steakhouse to
meet a friend, he has a friend that works there. A VERY HOT friend I may
add. The American was there as well, so Rick, Nick, Warren and I went to
a place called Tommy's. Dave went home... party pooper. According to
Rick, Tommy's as about as gay positive as you get. We did not notice any
dirty looks while we were grinding on the dance floor. :D
Had TONS to drink, mixing shots not
good, I forgot that was not a good idea the last time I did that.... tee
January 22,
Whistler is great, not as much snow
as I would have liked to have seen here on the ground. Today we go
skiing on the mountain. The drive out to whistler could have been
better, it was raining for most of the way. But it was still a very nice
drive. Hopefully nice enough to take pics of on the way home. As to date
I have not taken many pictures. For the camera on may occasions. So
there is a blitz of pictures coming now. Checked into the Delta Suites
here in Whistler. Let me just say WOW. Full kitchen, washer/dryer,
fireplace, king bed.
Took my friend from Ontario that is
living out here at the moment out to dinner for his 26th B-Day, that
just kind of happened, did not plan on it being his B-Day. He was pooped
so he did not go out with us afterwards though. We wondered the Village,
and found a bar called Moe Joe's. Not bad atmosphere, not that busy,
live band and DJ, lots of cute drunk skiers and boarders. So the eye
candy was good. Saw a couple of cougars there too. I would recommend
this bar for a good time, but not for good drinks. The were measuring
exact shots with a glass, and could barely taste any liqor. I had lots
of drinks and well was not that drunk at all. At least 12 maybe 13, but
was not buzzing at all.
January 21,
We all went out on the town
yesterday. Skypark, Fox and I went shopping bought some underwear. Hey
we all need it. Had lunch at this 50's style diner, that had what looked
like one of the original multi-mixers in it. And a very early version of
networking. Jukebox controls at every table. The food and service was
given 2 thumbs up by Fox and myself.
Dinner was at a place DV8, very
nice atmosphere, nice background music. The service was not very good at
all. Long waits between visits by the waitress. The food made up for it
though. AMAZING food. Fox and Xiek both give one thumb up each.
Tried to go out to Pumpjack and
Fountainhead last nite, but they shut down at midnight, what is up with
that? We checked out Numbers, which has a great layout inside and at one
time, apparently used to be busy. But there was like 2 people in there
when we went in. So left quickly.
Ended up at Odyssey again. Busier
night last night, had a drag show that started off scary, but got better
as the night went on. Dancing afterwards, with good music and lots of
really bad dancers. Met some RCMP officers. One of which was REALLY
January 20,
Woo Hoo, met up with my friend from
Calgary, Fox-24, and spent the day at the mall shopping and playing at
the Playdium. The skytrain service they have here is like our subway in
Toronto except it is run on the honor system and totally automated. You
do not scan your ticket or go through turnstiles, but you are required
to purchase a pass that increases in price depending on long you travel.
It is not pay one price like the TTC.
Had Sushi for lunch at this place
can Tanpopo, I recommend it if you like sushi and are in the Vancouver
area. It is by the water at the end of Davie.
Spent the night with Sweets
barhopping. Started at PumpJack, I guess it is their leather bar. Drinks
were on sale that night, and the bartender was mixing them strong. :)
After that it was on to FountainHead were we met a guy from NF that
bought us a drink after hours. The night was finished off at Odyssey,
the main dance club here. It was not that busy, but still a fun night.
Chris from Stouffville was there and was having a great time and working
the room. Great dancer, and on the 2001 Odyssey Calendar. UH HUH.
January 19,
Well here I am in Vancouver.
Already a great trip. Had the best seat on the plane, emergency exit
with NO Seat in front of me. Boeing 737-700 12a, the sweet seat. Had a
colleague on the plane, unexpected. Landed 20 minutes early, first 3
bags off the plane were mine. Upgraded my rental to a Grand Am, and got
to the hotel and got a free upgrade to a suite. The trip is great so
far. Let's just hope that the luck does not die here and continues for
the rest of the trip. If I was into drugs, it would have been good that
the first thing I smelled as I got out of the car was Marijuana.
January 3,
Went to Buddies with some friends,
had to help one on the procedures for picking a guy up. He got nervous
and could not do it.
And Gord actually played 5th
Dimension for me... I could not believe it.
31, 2003
Well 2003 is now over. What did you
do this year to improve your life and make it worthwhile? Or was it just
another year for you? Think hard on that.
There were lots of people I met
this year that by no fault of theirs I lost touch with, and some, well,
e-mail works like phones, both ways. So to them I do not feel any hard
losses. But there is some that I would have liked to keep in touch with.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason. I do.
The new was wrung in at Buddies
with friends, we partied and had fun.
With the new year ahead for me
there are lots of life decisions to make. The store I work at got sold,
so now do I go Franchise, or stay Company? Tough call to make.
24, 2003
Merry Christmas to all. Yes I say
Christmas, and not Holidays, if you do not celebrate Christmas then you
know what I mean. I respect your beliefs, so respect mine. :P
Santa was good to me, now I can
have some fires in my fire place as I got a screen for Christmas. Now I
just need someone to cuddle with on the couch in front of the fire.
Accepting applications.
The family is just about all
together up north. Even the Black Sheep of the family was there, hell he
lives with Grandma still. Every family has one, but not sure that he is
anything like ours, we love him cause he is family, but I think you all
23, 2003
Well it was LION KING tonite. Big
gay night out, Happy, Subby, Casper, Randy80 and myself. The first of a
series of outings coming in the new year. Did you know that it costs you
approx $0.75/hr to nap at the Lion King. Just ask Happy if you want to
know for sure.
Then off to Tangos for Kareoke
afterwards. What can I say a classic. There we met up with Bradford &
Husband, Dgerrard, The Living Dead, and the bubbly host, FOOFER.
19, 2003
Well went to Grapefruit tonite, and
well lots happened. Hereby referred to as "the incident". The incident
made to a crappy ending to an ok nite. So, it was some excitement that
we kinda needed, but did not ask for.
Saturday was my extended family on
my Mom's side xmas. Went out for dinner, presents were exchanged, and I
have nice new sweaters.
I also had to search for a gift for
a friend of the family. It is a remote control Hummer that can seat 2
13.5" figurines with horn, lights and doors that open. This thing is
HUGE. Well 3 Wal-marts and 5 phonecalls later, I got one. Yellow too. So
this kid will be happy on xmas.
Buddies on Sat nite. It was fun,
nice to see lots of old friends out that nite. It has been forever and a
day before I had seen them.
12, 2003
Well it has a been a long time
since I have updated this. The files were corrupt and I was too lazy did
not have enough time to fix it. But I spent 5 minutes today and did. So
I guess I owe to someone out there to update this thing.
Lori, miss ya, I will call ya next
I am in HAMILTON to party with ya, as long as you bring the lil cutie
with ya. ;)
Things have been hectic at work,
and just got more hectic, as the company decided to sell our store to a
franchisee, great guy, but just one more thing to worry about close to
Christmas time. And no I have not started my shopping yet, so don't ask.
I did purchase myself a new laptop,
woo hoo. I like it so :P to all you that don't.
Well that is it for now, off to
work I go. Updates will be more frequent now, and you should see some
more pics soon, as I have a digital cam now and do not need to have
friends scan my pics.
Peace out
Well it hard to put this weekend
into words. First off, I starting to realize that it cannot be PRIDE
without some level of Drama. You get that many queers together and
something is bound to happen. But we got the Drama sorted out on
Saturday I believe, so it made for a better weekend.
Met TONS of new people from all
over North America, it was great. Will have pics of the weekend up soon
on the site, have to get them back and then scanned. I so need to buy a
Friday you could find us at Buddies
for their usual FRIDAY PRIDE NITE party. Both sides were open, although
it was not at capacity, still a lot of fun. Met Q-True and partied there
with him and his future roomy, that was a GREAT time. Saw him now and
then for the rest of the pride weekend.
Did the streetwalking thing the
rest of the weekend. Was on a rooftop for the parade, that was the best
viewpoint. Like I said, not enough words to describe it.
We were at the days in, with some
other VERY HOT guests I might add, on the 15th floor especially. Shane
from Ingersol was another CUTE nice guy I met on the last nite out front
the hotel.
Keep your eye out for the pics.
Thursday June 26, 2003
Pre-Pride kickoff. Something we
have not done in 100 gay relationships. Happy, Casper, Subby, Skater,
and myself met up for a martini at Babylon. It was great to just sit
there and shoot the shit on old times. Maybe that is a sign we are
aging? But hey, it was a great time.
After Babylon, we went to Crews for
Kareoke. Just one word. FUN.
Saturday May 24, 2003
Woohoo TiberiusX is xx years old.
Went to his house party and had a great BBQ, my compliments to the chef.
And no Mad Cow either.
Went to Buddies afterwards. Can you
believe that someone tried to pay the doorman $70 to let 5 ppl in
without waiting in line. I mean $70?? PULEASE All you have to do is kiss
him and slip a BigMac.
Saturday May 10, 2003
Well it was my weekend off and
ended up having to cover for someone for that no showed for work. So I
was awake for most of the weekend. Working and partying.
Was at Embassy again on Saturday
nite. I have been going there a lot lately cause Gord at Buddies has not
been playing a lot of my requests, and well Embassy does.
I think it was breeder nite at
Embassy this nite though. I had a breeder couple who were going at it so
badly they needed a room spill some beer on me... ARGH >:|
Saturday May 3, 2003
Casper's party was held at the
Embassy this year. Casper as like Xiek and some others are getting fed
up with the non-compliance on the request line at Buddies.
It was an awesome nite. Gypsy,
Randy80, Subby, Happy, Mel, Casper and his boytoy were all there to
Embassy is starting to look like a
major destination point again. I guess it is because there are different
faces there. Very nice ppl out there, and lots of lesbians which is kewl
Lori and Phil are 2 of them. Lori
the hag and Phil the little cutie. We had a good convo on the balcony
and that is the best part of going out... meeting people. Not hooking up
for sex, not getting head in the bathroom. For me it is meeting people,
making new friends and building a new friendship out of it.
I hope to see you 2 there more
often, come up and say HI.
Saturday April 26, 2003
Xiek's return to Embassy. Tonight
was my first night back to the Embassy in about 2 or 3 month's at least.
And what better to go back than with new ppl that have never been. Reade
and Gypsy, the regulars were there too with us, Casper and Randy80.
Everyone up to their normal usual behaviour. With Casper thinking that
guys were ppl that they turned out not to be, and me thinking my ex
girlfriend was there. She looked like her, talked like her, acted butch
like her. Wouldn't that be classic if Xiek's ex turned out to be a DYKE.
It was great to be the gang and
tear each other up sarcastically like we do. Reade was a newcomer to
both to Embassy and to the gang. But he fit right in after about 1 hr.
Saturday April 12, 2003
And just where do you think that I
went on the day before my birthday? You guessed it, the village, We went
to Buddies to get our tickets and then to see who was at Buddies.
Bradford was there, someone whom I have not seen in a long time and he
had a friend with him. A CUTE friend at that.
Spent some time at Woody's
socializing, having some fun times being bitches. I got my patty whacks,
all xx of them. It was kinda fun. And I got a date out of it.
Buddies was ok, not sure how often
I will go, Gord was not playing some requests of ours or our b-day
dedications that we requested. It is changin, I will see how much and
what direction it is changing, to see of I like it. Maybe more road
trips to Embassy are in order.... or dare I say it, a str8 club
I also realized that I will have to
work 7 days next week to get caught up from my Holidays and to
accommodate the big tour. meh
April 11, 2003
Yes, tonite was the nite! The 2nd
Annual XSR80BBBES. About 19-21 ppl showed up, another great turn out,
for all you that didn't attend, you missed out on a wicked awesome time.
Many litres of liqor were consumed. Not just by me either, lots of ppl
Xiek got a call from work and had
to go crawl through the roof to open the office door because his
employees destroyed the lock. Even with the key, you could not open the
door. Picture DRUNK Xiek, crawling through the roof and trying not to
fall. It was not without injury, got some scrapes on my legs doing it.
Chris had some of his friends over,
breeders. They were a little overwhelmed at what they saw. They were not
used to seeing gays.... let alone a house full of them. One of his
friends caught the eye of a couple of us. But we scared them off. I am
not sure if they will ever visit Chris again. Sorry Chris.
The ritualistic cake on Xiek event
was a huge hit this year. Xiek tried to contain it by getting smaller
cakes. It helped, but that did not stop Subby from making as much as
mess as possible. Most of the icing came out.
We will have to wait for the photos
to come back, Gypsy had Xiek's camera most of the nite, so Xiek might
actually be in some of the pics. Xiek just needs to find a scanner now,
his don't work.
Wednesday April 9, 2003
Apparently if you want to go cruise
and get picked up, go to Chapters in Barrie. I wasn't in there 10 mins
and I had one all over me. If you like bold, and older, then you go for
it. But be careful, if you are from Toronto, you MUST be snotty. Well
apparently because I was not interested and really into reading my
magazine, I am snotty.
Well after the school teacher left,
my friend showed up and we had coffee there in Starbucks. Barrie
Starbucks closes before chapters does, I found that odd.
We ended up coffee shop hopping...
From Starbucks, to Williams, to Timmy's, we closed them all cept for
Tim's of course, since they do not close.
But all in a good day, a fun time,
and I got a new rim for my car, that was the only damage done by the
April 4, 2003
Notorious CHO, yep, that is where I
was this evening. It was not the best weekend of my life. I had food
poisoning on FRI nite just before the show, I almost did not make it the
performance, but not much can keep me away from CHO. She is after all
one of the biggest fag hags on the planet.
Isn't it funny, that when you turn
white, almost pass out and stumble that people immediately assume that
you OD on some sort of drug.... That is what someone asked me at Zelda's
in the bathroom... Turns out FOOD POISON.
We made it the show, Casper, Gypsy,
Jeffy11 and I, had a blast. Went to a friends house afterwards. It was
full of str8 H.S. students, my that was an experience.
Next question, how many donuts can
you do on the QEW going 100km/hr and not hit any other cars and end up
facing the wrong way on the snowbank?
Answer about 2.5 is my record.
Meh, what can you do, no major
damage to the car, a little dent on the rocker panel. No one was
injured, just a lil shook up.
Saturday March 15, 2003
Well, my brother turned 20 today,
and I worked things out with an old friend. We got plastered last night
at Buddies and worked things out. Liqor does wonders for that I guess.
There were lots of hotties last nite there, but I think it was couples
night, because all of them already had bf's. The teases.
We are now in the prep phase of the
2nd Annual Xiek and Subby Birthday Bash Bonanza Extraordinaire
Spectacular. More details to follow.
Thursday March 13, 2003
Went to the HOP tonite at 5ive,
damn those of age drinkers look younger and younger all the time.
Getting so you have to card someone before you pick them up to make sure
they are legal. Even in a bar. How do you explain that one to the cops?
I picked him up in a bar, and I
carded him, he had a good fake ID? Do you think they would buy that?
Had some car troubles and yes I
spent 1 hour on my back on Jarvis/Maitland. I never thought I would say
Got the problem temporarily fixed,
enough so it was drivable, and now it really does sound like a lil'
German tank.
Saturday January 18, 2003
Well it has been a long time since
an update appeared here yes. Xiek has been really busy and swayed in his
interests. I must apologize to all of you.
And after last night, to my friend
Warbuttons. I owe you more than a drink I think after what you had to
New Years was fun, but as usual I
had to work NYE and NYD, so I was awake for 33 hours, only about 4 of
that was time that I was not working or partying at Buddies or a friends
apt. downtown.
So yes you will be glad to know
that Xiek is STILL ALIVE, and getting back on track with his updates.
That is of course he finds a BF to take of ALL of his sparingly spare
time. ;)
Saturday November 2nd, 2002
Well I am off the weekend and
decided to go to Embassy with my brother and his GF. It was a blast. We
had to leave a lil early... No big deal, I got my dancing in for the
week, I am good to go for a little while longer. Met a lot of people
there that I have not seen in a long time, so that was nice. Saw some
people that I knew from TO, and of course, Casper was there.
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 |
It was the
annual Convention at work today. What a blast. Over 600
people from all over Ontario, one has to like those odds.
With a full day of seminars and workshops, could not wait
till the bar opened at 630pm sharp. They went a lil
different this year, hired a band that did some great
covers, sounded just like them. I was impressed... They also
had a DJ for the breaks and other songs that they could not
do. One problem, the DJ had 90% of his collection, R&B & HIP
HOP, not my 1st choice for music.... Still a good time, this
year was also not that much of a party year. We invited
about 30 ppl up the room to party afterwards, they were all
in bed before 2am. Geez, the X-Mas party better be better
than that for partying, and I am accepting application for
my date for the party. |
Wednesday September 4th, 2002 |
Well I went to
the village last nite for the first time in approx. 8 weeks. I
have just not had time to get downtown. I have been either
working late and then early the next day, or taking the day and
sleeping. Contrary to other reasons why I have not been DT. I
put my social life on hold for work. Maybe not the best thing,
but it was the less stressful thing to do at the time. I still
reply to e-mails, when my computer is behaving that is. I need
to reformat and reload everything.... It has been awhile since I
did this. Now that you are bored to hell. I am on my way out,
have to work tonite. |
Yes it has been
awhile since this was updated. So lets cover a couple of topics
in this update. PRIDE in Toronto was fun and DAMN HOT. It would
have been better if the parade would have been on the Saturday,
maybe there would have been less heat stroke sufferers. The
weekend was spent at Sk8R's house for me. That was our base of
operations. The best part is that it was close to village and
had A/C. Xiek marched in the parade this year, although it was
as a marshal (got tricked into that). I still had fun, and the
hat was ok I spose. Peel Pride had a good turnout at the parade
this year and even though there was troubles getting the
vehicle, it was good for a first time with an actual float. Next
year will be different. BIGGER AND BETTER. |
After Pride I was
back at work for a bit and then I was off to Halifax on
business. THe company sent me out to do some computer training.
Although I was there on business, how could I not indulge in
some of the pleasures of the East Coast. Halifax has 3 gay bars.
1 Leather, 1 Gay, and 1 that is mixed more str8 on FRI and gayer
on SAT. I spent most of my time at NRG. I knew some of the
employees there from work, so that is the main reason. With a
sexy bartending staff, and bus boys that do drag, it is a fun
place. I think almost every employee of the bar did drag
regularly? Pre-requsite to get a job there? |
It was real easy
to meet people there. I met one person and it cascaded from
there. 7 of them had the same name as me, all gay and 2 of them
were dating. I lucked out because the last weekend that I was
there, was Halifax PRIDE. Xiek got to celebrate 2 PRIDES this
year. Halifax pride was better than I had expected and bigger
than the rumors had said it would be. It was fun to walk the
streets of Halifax. A lot of the spectators were repeat
spectators as the parade wound down the town to the dock. As the
parade wound down, spectators would walk down the street to
watch it again. |
After the parade
went on the boat cruise that was sponsored by NRG. Too bad it
was soo F*$&ing cold that day. It was raining in the morning and
overcast for the cruise, it was COLD ON THE WATER. Still a fun
time, and a good drag show too. |
As we were
walking back to the bar for a FREE BBQ, some old man stopped me
and asked "Excuse me, what was that parade for", "Why it was GAY
PRIDE". "That damn thing held me up for 45 minutes." |
concert. WOW, it was different. All these ppl went to see her
and like no one looked like they were enjoying the show. They
were ALL either REAL OLD, GAY or BOTH. Except for the group of
us that were there. We were bopping along, singing, dancing in
our chairs. |
Subby was scream
out TAYLORS name the whole time. |
Afterwards was
fun too. We all kind of went our separate ways. So I just found
a SLOT and sat in front of it. I accidentally picked the $1
slots. Good thing though, cause I am up $100. |
I saw some guy
win $11 000 on "Let it Ride" That was interesting to watch.
Senior, if you
get caught at the border, RUN senior, RUN. |
This is it, the
night of nights, no more rehearsing or nursing apart, we know
every part by heart. |
Xiek & Subby's
Birthday Bash Bonanza Extraordinaire Spectacular happened tonite.
Check the special page for pics. B-Day
Bonanza |
It was a fun time
had by all and Xiek and Subby were impressed with the turnout.
It is not often that that many fags WANT to go to Mississauga.
Xiek's neighbors
never even complained once about the noise. It was a mixed
party, breeders and queers. Some of the breeders felt a little
odd. |
With CuTeN
putting cake all over Xiek & Subby's face, we looked like
something out of Braveheart. Then Subby decided that the cake
would look better on the wall and carpet.Drunken Fags, what to
do with them. |
And with a
certain someone mooning everyone. WHAT A NITE. |
Look forward to
the Xiek & Subby Summer Bash Bonanza Extraordinaire Spectactular. |
Closed ?
It was a story with an intriguing set
of elements. Romance, religion, morality, sexuality…and now, at
least from the perspective of a jaded teen and his many supporters,
you can add tragedy.
A last ditch-appeal from Oshawa’s Marc
Hall to take his gay boyfriend to the school prom was abruptly
dashed on Monday night. Hall was given ten minutes to make his case
before the Durham Catholic Board, but despite widespread public
support, he wasn't able to topple the age-old dogma of the Catholic
It took less than a few minutes for
the Board to render its decision. In a pre-written statement, Board
Chair Mary Ann Martin said that allowing Hall to go to the prom with
his date would be effectively endorsing or teaching that
homosexuality was consistent with the religious beliefs of the
Catholic Church.
“I say to you, you cannot bring your
same-sex partner to the prom, we are not rejecting you as a person,”
Martin said. “We accept you, but we cannot condone or allow
homosexual behaviour at our school function.”
“I was kind of surprised," said a
teary-eyed Hall. "…they obviously don't understand.”
The heartbroken teen hasn't given up
however, he's planning to take legal action.
April 8, 2002
Go to
Pulse 24 for more
information on this topic.
Saturday March 23rd, 2002 |
Somethings just
make you HMMMMMMM? |
Well I thought
I would put some Trivia up here. See if you can get these at
all? |
If Sam is three
inches soft and nine inches hard, what percentage does he grow? |
(d) If that's
the Sam I used to date, he thought watermelons were eight feet
accross |
The average
prostate exam takes 3 minutes. John's doctor is twice as slow as
most doctors. After how many minutes is this officially
considered a date? |
(a) Two minutes
and forty seconds |
(b) Do you
think this is covered by O.H.I.P. |
(c) "The Spirit
of St. Louis" |
(d) The minute
the doctor hands John a glove |
Ventured to the
booming Metropolis of Hamilton tonite. The crew and I went to a
friends to pre-drink and WOW what a nice place. PENTHOUSE, and a
nice guy too. |
Well the drive
there was ok. The one way streets took some getting used to
though. Not used to EVERY street being one-way. We managed to
get there and get Xiek parked in a tight little spot, you gotta
love VW's. |
They could have
more than 1 person working the Coat Check/admin fee line, that
would help to expedite the patrons faster. They should try the
shared service, maybe they could beat my 75 cust/hr. I would be
more than willing to give them some tips. |
Apart from the
quality of the music, I think my ears almost bled, they are
still ringing almost 24hrs later. The club was nice, had a great
mix of music and the crowd was really good looking too. Saw some
familiar faces that were there. Tofer tried to hide on us, but
we found him. Also saw a friend that works for the company in
St. Kitts, was nice to see him again. Y'all want some cookies? |
I am not sure
that Subby and I could have made bigger asses of ourselve, well
not true, we could have, but I was content with the amount that
we did. |
Embassy is on
my list of clubs that would get a follow up visit from Xiek. |
Now just one
thing left to decide...... |
Which one to
choose.... mmmmmm This may take some time to decide. |
Friday February 22nd, 2002 |
Yes I am still
alive, I have not fallen off of the face of the earth. Just been
really busy lately. Went to VEGAS, no I am not a millionaire. IF
I was that would for sure be here. Well now you know that I am
still alive all your hearts can rest easy now. I would like to
thank all of you that sent me an e-mail to see if I was ok and
Saturday February 2nd, 2002 |
All I have to
say is "Vive e Switzerland" |
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 |
Saturday January 26th, 2002 |
Yes there are
unconfirmed reports that Xiek was spotted at FLY. Can you
believe it. Keep in mind that these are unconfirmed. |
Thursday January 19th, 2002 |
For those of
you that need one, I can fill a mean Hot Water Bottle. |
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 |
Thought that I
should do a double entry since DAVE THOMAS, founder of Wendy's
is dead. He died as the result of a form of a cancer that he had
for the past 10 years. |
Moving on, we
went to Tango's to sing Karoke last nite. Has some fun, Chris
Brown and I sang 2 songs, "I'm just a girl" & "I want you". We
would like to apologize for the horror that the patrons had to
go through last nite. |
I guess we were
a good duet though as someone that I was Chris Browns husband?
Please I have better taste than that..... :) |
Met 2 kewl ppl
that are worthy of mention, Steve and Cameron, friends of Berry
Vicious. |
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 |
From: Personnel
Communications Standards
Management wishes
to bring to the attention of all personnel that some individuals
have been using abusive language in the exchange of normal verbal
communication with relation to the performance of routine
This code list is
provided to permit individual freedom and originality of our fellow
employees to alleviate frustration and provide a clearer process and
effective means of communication with one another and not offend
customer relationships and other individuals with sensitive ears who
may be within hearing distance.
To preclude
mistaking the communication codes with department numbers and
telephone extensions, management has assigned 800-900 series numbers
to be utilized for your convenience and clarity.
801 You've got to
be shitting me
802 Get off my
fucking back
803 Beats the shit
out of me.
804 What the fuck?
805 Its so fucking
bad I can't believe it.
806 I hate this
fucking place.
807 Your ass sucks
808 Fuck you very
809 Lovely, simply
fucking lovely
810 FUBAR- Fucked
up beyond all recognition.
811 Beautiful. Just
fucking beautiful.
812 Fuck, shit,
813 Hair pie, fur
814 I just got
815 Big fucking
816 Hang it in your
fucking ear.
817 Get bent.
818 I don't give a
819 Oh shit!
820 Merry fucking
821 Fuck it, just
fuck it.
822 Hot shit
823 Bitchin.
824 Tell someone
who gives a shit.
825 Don't get
fucking wise.
826 I don't give a
827 Pardon me sir,
you obviously mistook me for someone who gives a shit.
828 As long as I
don't stand up I'm fine.
829 Fuck the
831 I didn't design
the fucking thing. I just sell the motherfucker.
832 Your ass sucks
833 The fucking
thing won't work.
834 Go pound sand
in your ass.
835 Fuck off.
836 Who called this
fucking meeting?
837 SNAFU-
Situation normal, all fucked up.
838 I'm free this
839 Fuck it.
840 Help me dump
this mother.
841 Lets ball at
842 I'm free
843 SSDD-Same shit,
different day
844 Call me to come
back to work.
845 Let's take off
sick together.
846 Meet me at the
847 Up your ass.
848 Life is
beautiful, isn't it?
900 Let's have oral
901 Kiss my ass.
902 Let's trade
balling partners.
903 Is he/she
904 Muddy field,
couldn't play.
905 Colorful, but
906 Ask me again in
a couple of days.
907 Far fucking
908 Let's split
this joint- but not in the office.
909 Let's eat in
910 You play ball
with me and I'll stick the bat up your ass.
Here is
something to ponder. Do you think that that lady from Hamilton
is just in enforcing the by-law that makes street sports
illegal? She is requesting that the police enforce the by-law
which says that sports played on the streets are illegal.
The judge threw
the charges out of court stating that the day in question there
was no proof that the kids were actually in the street. |
If you want my
opinion, this is a bitter old woman that does not know what it
means to be a child growing up in Canada and street hockey and
football is a pastime. Granted, maybe, just maybe the kids did
some damage to her garden, this is still a very grey area. BUT
if they did, why ask them to help clean up the damage/mess
before calling the police. Diversity is what makes our country
strong, but at the sametime, at times like this, it sometimes
hurts our national pastimes/traditions. |
Some things
should just be left alone, that is just my opinion, for whatever
it is worth. |
Tuesday January 1st, 2002 |
I had to work today, ugh. Made it through about 32 hours awake.
and not really resting for more than 1 hr of that. But like my
previous post says, IT WAS WORTH IT. |
I hope that all
you had a HAPPY NEW YEAR and that you have an even better 2002.
I plan to anyways. |
Monday December 31st, 2001 |
New Years Eve
baby! This is going to be another not so fun New Years. Gots to
work 2p-10p tonite and 7a-3p tomorrow. Someone has to I guess,
why not me? |
Went to Buddies
to meet my friends. Got there at 11:30pm and a LONG LINE with
sold out tickets, just goes to show it is WHO you know. Managed
to get in and get coat checked by 11:45pm. Was in the drink line
for Midnight though. Still near some friends. The fact that I
by-passed Astounded in line and did not even know it was funny.
Sorry bud but when you work till 11pm and the tickets are SOLD
OUT, you have to make due. |
Do not think that I could have had much more fun partying with
anyone other than Astounded, his Sis, Toleo, Sid, Tofer, Keisha,
Tofer Bro, Jami, Jami boy, Casper, HGL, Subby, NorthTorontoBoy,
Randy80. There may be one or two more, will know more when I get
the pics back. |
Monday December 17th, 2001 |
Tonite is the
company X-Mas party. Cannot wait. This year I am going all out,
I am bringing a date, not just any date either, my BF. Yes that
is right, I am currently NOT single. I am expecting some mixed
feelings from other party goers, but nothing that would not be
expected from any other place other than Church St. |
Well the party
was awesome and my date said that he like it, (other than the
music, it had lyrics). Roast beef buffet dinner, with an open
bar all nite long, the only down side, no Tequila at all
allowed. The waitress said this was because last year a group of
ppl rang up a $1,000.00 bill that the place was not supposed to
serve us so we did not pay for it. I think that group was me and
my friends, cause we had a lot of shots last year, A LOT. |
I was dancing
most of the nite and was given lots of stuff by the DJ. A
sombrero, a Lai, a whitsle and some flamy tinsel thing. We met
Jessica and her BF Jordan this time around. Some new ppl to
party with. |
The whole nite
we got 2 dirty looks, and one long, long look of not disgust,
but something, and one surprise when Eric told Baxter who the
guy beside was. |
Hope eveyone
has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I have yet to start
my shopping and have no idea where I will be on New Years, as I
work 2pm - 10pm that nite. |
Saturday December 1st, 2001 |
This going to
be an all-in-one news update. I am feeling to lazy to figure out
what happened and when. |
It was a pretty
good week for social activity. Out on Tuesday and met a boy from
Sarnia at Crews. We went to watch Karoke. ZELL had an encounter
with a really really nasty old dirty man... We almost had to
open a can of whoop-ass on him. He eventually left. THANK GOD.
It felt like we were at the BARN. Sarnia boy was nice and fun to
party with. |
Happy, Glendon,
Zell and I had a good time anyways. The Karoke was not that bad.
And we met a some really kewl Dykes too. |
Thursday was a
fun nite at the Barn with JonE, Tiberius, Glendon, and honestly
I forget who else was there. Oh ya, Thumper, TeaSea, Bri4Guy,
and a few others. Although I do not think Tiberius remembers
much of what went on... |
Friday, well
another shitty nite at work. 16hrs at work all doing paperwork
is NOT fun at all. I hope the rest of the stores made food. You
included HEATH. So after sleeping all day and getting woken up
by the ever so sexy Steviee, so it was not so bad as it seemed.
I got ready to go out and party at my usual Saturday nite
destination. |
Skeeter graced
us with his presence briefly. He left quite quickly. I think I
saw Triple555 there too. |
Saw an old
friend there and got caught up on the past few weeks.
I can't wait
for the weekend and all the parties that are going on in
December. Although, I will prolly not be able to go to most of
them cause of my schedule, but we will see what we can do. |
Saturday November 24th, 2001 |
Pre-Party at
CuTeN's house to help celelbrate his roomates B-Day party.
Skeeter, Jamiroquai, Paulicious, Revenant, TOLeo,
Happy-Get-Lucky, Subby, GAPKid were there. Fun times by all.
We proceeded to
Woody's after we knew the Carbaret shows would be done at
midnight. There was a line but we managed to get through it
quickly. Once inside there were more if us. Tiberius, Mr. Pita,
the every so sexy SID Vicious, Astounded, StevieGuy, Tekhouseboi,
Chris Brown, Bradford, Randy80, Casper and KidBjork. A lot of us
let's just say that... |
It was real
fucking hot in there tonite though... I guess they did not have
the ability to turn on A/C since it was winter time... We were
all sweating like pigs... |
At close the
crowd disipated and we went some of our separate ways. |
Casper, TOLeo, StevieGuy and myself went to FRAN's for a bite to
eat. And it was a good thing that we did. A post B-Day party for
Brenda came in and we sang Happy Birthday to her with her
friends. Jasmine, the leader of the outing had a brother,
Vladymir, and a friend Rob. They were team players and Rob
looked like a GAP, or CLUB MONACO Model... Mouth watering good.
We were invited back to party with them at Brenda's place, but
for stupid reason did not go.. Someone please slap me when they
see me next time. |
Rob, I hope to
see you at the Bar's, maybe I will not be so shy next time. |
Friday November 23rd, 2001 |
Another nite at
Woody's with the gang. Cept tonite, we all went different ways.
CuTeN, KidBjork, GAPKid and Subby all went to Rama. Which was an
adventure in itself from what I heard, you will have to read the
Subbyland News
and read it for yourself. He can explain the incident better
with the Police. |
We ended up
going to the Barn and forgetting that is was the BIG LEATHER
weekend, the line was HUGE. |
After a couple
of mins in line we decided NOT to wait. Lil J and I said our
goodbyes to Casper, Darynn, and their 2 new friends, cannot
member their names for the life of me... |
Lil J and I
left with TOLeo, he had to go home so the two of went to
Taluah's (Buddies). Totally different crowd on Friday than
Saturday. |
Thursday November 22nd, 2001 |
The plan was
for Embassy tonite, but that fell through when EVERYONE was
going to be at Woody's and somewhere DT after that. |
It was the
usual crowd out this nite. TOO Many to list.... It was fun,
ended up at the Barn and can you believe that the 3rd floor is
closed for rennovation? I think they are getting rid of the
sway, that sux, that was the fun part of the 3rd floor. |
Wednesday November 21st, 2001 |
This is a
backshadow post. It happened on Thursday, November 15th. |
What a nite,
WOW, like 20-30 .comers at Woody's all at once all having fun...
Subby especially and his damn Simpson's impressions, and how
could I forget his Cleo too. I will try to list the attendees,
if you were there an I forgot you, then let me know... |
Rabbit72 & his BF, Subby, CuTeN, KIDBjork, Mikey_Dude20,
Mystic20, Mr. Pita, SID_Vicios, TOFER, Tiberius, Skeeter21, ElectroPhunk,
Randy80, J<dot>Bee, knowah, driftwood, Eastern_Boi. Sinkerking
just happened to be there from out of town that was kind of a
chance meeting. That is all the .comers that were there and then
there were some offliners, LIl J, and Myron. |
And yes, we did
go to the barn afterwards, I got dragged there kicking and
screaming. I got to see Richard my favorite bouncer again... I
miss him... |
Saturday November 17th, 2001 |
Pre-Drinking at
TOLeo's again... I missed that and this time there was company.
Randy80, Alphawolf and his BF. And they actually came to Buddies
with us. |
It is great to
be back! Spent the nite at Buddies last nite and is it me or do
the Cabaret shows get worse every week? The cowboy one was ok,
BUT, the other one. And what a time to come back, the group of
us that were was amazing just like Thursday. Too many to list.
But all the important ones anyways. |
It was great
seeing Astounded and groping each other like we usually do... ;) |
Oh, BTW, did I
mention that I am on HOLIDAY this week and cannot wait to
finally recover and get to 100%. |
Wednesday November 14th, 2001 |
UGH, been off
work with Pneumonia and Broncitic since the 5th. The new drugs
seem to be working and may be back to light duties tomorrow. We
will see. All this typing getting caught up is exhausting. Time
to rest. |
Wednesday October 31st, 2001 |
Month End nite,
which means 12 hours counting both stores inventories and
finishing up the books. Well that is the usual procedure, but
not it would seem for this month end. It seems that someone
decided that he did not want to live and tried to get T-Boned by
running a red light on front of our main store. He did not get
hit and hit the telephone pole in front of the store and knocked
out power. Did I mention that the pole fell toward the GAS
STATION next store. Fire, Police, Ambulane, Hydro workers were
all there pretty quick. The guy was in his vehicle for a long
time until they could ensure that the power was cut and safe to
touch his car that was entangled in wires. I have heard reports
that he died in Hospital, but nothing confirmed. |
The power was
out from about 21:30 on the 31st and came online at 10:17 on the
1st. This meant one thing, yes MANUAL INVENTORY with a
flashlight for me. Ofcourse when the power came back online, the
computer and tills were not working very well either, why would
they, Murphy's Law right? |
Well I finally
got the inventory entered and by then I had to leave, it was
15:00 at the time. I had been there for 20 hours and had been
feeling sick recently, I was not even sure I could make it home. |
Saturday October 27th, 2001 |
Walking down
Church St. on Hallowe'en is an experience let me tell you. This
was my first time and it was quite entertaining. I recommend
that you do it if you have a chance. |
Lil J and I
went down to meet GlendonKyd. We ended up meeting somewhere on
Church, we walked up and down for a bit and looked at all the
costumes. The Diesel Dykes were hilarious. |
Starting to
feel the cold a bit, we decided to make our way to Buddies. On
the way we saw an overentusiastic Tree Hugger that looked a lot
like Michelle from American PIe. With a closer look it turned
out to be Astounded!! It reminded me of this one time at band
camp. |
We all entered
together and found about 65% costume participation inside.
GREAT, I love Hallowe'en. I would be giving out Candy on the
31st if I did not have to work all nite every month end. |
Buddies had the
chamber open, we decided to go there to dance. In there we met
Ryan, Toby and Ryan. Buddies regulars, no surprise. They were
not dressed up either. |
Every time I
went to the bathroom to check on my makeup, I kept on running
into the silver surfer from X-Men. It was weird. I will post
photos here as soon as I get them scanned, I am trying to get a
scanner myself, but that is not going to plan as I would like. |
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 |
Well, TOLeo &
Luckee7 called me today from Ft. Lauderdale FLA. Man, those
bitches are having fun, sorta. It has rained for the first three
days and TOLeo pinched a nerve so he cannot turn his head side
to side. I hope for their sake that 1. the weather shapes up and
2. TOLeo's neck is better, nothing like being in MIAMI and not
being able to move your neck..... |
Tomorrow I
speak at an Anti-Homophobia workshop, dunno how that is going to
go, but we will see. |
Not much else
has happened other than I am still a little sick and HOPE I feel
better before the weekend, as this is my weekend off this month
and I want to have fun DT all dressed up. |
Thursday October 18th, 2001 |
Tonite was not
as interesting as last nite. No bar fights although not for
lacking of being in a bar, just was in a different type of bar
than Wednesday nite. Tonite we (GlendonKyd) and I went for Tazo.
That then became some pool at Pegasus cause Astounded was
supposed to be there. Luckee7 gave me a call and he stopped by
too, so the 4 of us were shooting the shit, playing pool and
having fun. |
I was winning
until Luckee7 showed up, and he was not that lucky for me... |
Luckee talked
us into going to Woody's for a bit. We stopped in there and met
up with Tiberius & co. Astounded got dragged on stage for the
"Best Chest" by Matieu from U8TV and his friend. Astounded made
the final 4, and should have won, but did not make the final 2
due a bias on the judges part. The applause for him was much
louder than the other 2. Eh, C'est La Vie. |
After that we
left and I drove the boys home. On the way to the car though
something happened that gave me flashbacks of horror. Remember
that Grey car from September 26th, well we saw it again tonite
as we were walking to my car. It was along Maitland. He was
checking us out again. I almost dropped into the fetal posistion,
it was a bad memory. |
Glendon and got
a little hungary after dropping Astounded off, so we went to
where else to eat, McDonald's. MMMMMMM. I am addicted. |
Well I must get
going now, as I have to drive DT at 11am to pick up Toleo and
Luckee7 as the bastards are in Miami for 9 days. I am jealous. |
Wednesday October 17th, 2001 |
Tonight just
goes to prove that you never what is going to happen and where.
I went out with some str8 friends tonite. Bates, Ronny, and Blo.
Our original plans were Kingdom in Burlington, someone said it
was hip on Wednesday's. Well they were closed. So off to Toronto
we headed. |
We get DT at
about 12:15, search around for a good str8 bar, we see this
lineup outside this bar so we figure, why not? We park our car,
walk over stand outside for 20 mins watching the honey's inside
(both sexes). My friends were drooling over the girl in front of
us in line. I had my sights elsewhere. Oh, BTW, the place was
called Crocodile Rock on Adelaide. |
So we pay our
$5 cover and see the best sign we could see. "ALL DRINKS $2.75",
ALLELUIA!! Well the place says it was rated for 390 ppl, but it
was not at capacity and we were shoulder to shoulder, everywhere
we walked. |
We walk past
this guy that looks familiar to me, and low and behold, it is
our Brinks guy. He comes in and picks up our $$ from the safe
and delivers coin, that was funny. Turns out it was his first
time there too. |
We chill for a
bit, walk around and end up on the upstairs dancefloor (well,
section). So we are dancing up there and this guy keeps bumping
my friend, Ronny. Then he asked me if I wanted to fight him? I
said no. He looked at his friend, gave him a hand signal, and
bang, from behind I was getting attacked. This guy jumped on me
and whaled me in the back of the neck and left shoulder. Ronny
and Bates jumped in to help, thank god for good friends. Blo was
trying to hold one guy down, but was having difficulty maintaing
his grip in the floor with his shoes, all the beer that did not
fall on me, was now on the floor. |
Ronny, pins one
down and is whaling him and I am trying to grab the other one
and drag him away. Bates is getting held back by 2 women who
would not let him fight. He was not impressed. |
12 bouncers are
there in like less than 2 mins. I was impressed with their crowd
navigation skills, I have seen faster, but, they got there. |
Once there, 2
of them grab Ronny, and the rest go for the other two
troublemakers. They were trying to through Ronny, out but some
witnesses said "no", he was not that involved, he was
self-defense, so to those ppl, "Thank-YOu" |
One of the
bouncers grabbed me and was what looked like he was trying to do
was get me out too. But I asked him what and he wanted INFO from
me, that is all. |
So we got to
stay and they had to go, :) |
So that was my
1st bar fight, not bad since it has been what seems like forever
going OUT. |
We hung around
for a little while longer and then flexed on out. On our way
out, the 2 guys were standing their trying to get their glasses
back that Ronny knocked off, awwwww muffin, too bad. :( |
We got out,
went to the car and then was macked by these 3 girls while we
were eating our vendor dogs. It was funny. |
So other than
some bruises, it was a REAL FUN NIGHT, a must do again in the
future. |
Friday October 12th, 2001 |
Met the usual
SEXY gang at Woody's. We stayed there for a bit and then kinda
broke off into 2 groups. One of them going to BARN, and the
other, the one I was in, going to PRYZM. It was ok, a lot of
really cute shirtless boiz on drugs. Lots to look at, but
nothing I would touch without consideration first. Granted not
ALL of them were on drugs, but I saw a fair amount of them. |
From there it
was to the Pizza place on Church/Alexander and met some guy from
the east coast. Really nice but I think we scared him off. Then
to a friends place to eat it and home from there. I was too sick
to stay over. Would have kept them up all nite with my
coughing... Would not have been nice of me.... |
And one last
EXPERIMENT AND HAVE FUN. That would work too. Anyone disagree? |
Wednesday October 3rd, 2001 |
Seminars ALL
DAY, they were not that bad cause they were with friends and
co-workers. Could not wait for dinner and Karma Club. Well I
made an ass of myself as usual at the hypnotist show. I went on
stage and was a Village Person, a chinese cop, Chip-n'-dale
dancer, balerina, and some other stuff too. I won the trophy for
"Best Hypnotic Subject" |
Fernandez, the hypnotist put a lasting impression on me that
every time I saw this one guy Len, I would go up and hug him and
say that I loved him.... All nite I was doing that... |
Got to drinking
some more, and more, and more, and more and well, you get the
point. I drank a lot last nite, too much. Let's just leave it at
that. I did get to sleep in a King Size bed alone cause my
roomate disappeared somewhere, do not ask me where?? |
And at last I
finally met m1k3y today, we had coffee. Still have not met
Rabbit yet though.... I am wondering if that will ever
happen.... |
Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 |
party at the International Plaza hotel for our Wednesday
convention. I brought the captain along with me and we became
re-aquainted, it has been so long since him and I have bonded.
Someone knocked on our door in our room so we peeked out and
some cute thing told us to come and party in their room. So we
did. |
Ends up someone
in the room, Cindy, knew me from last year and worked for a
store in Hamilton. She knew a friend of mine that left ssauga
and went there to work. We called her and she said that all of
her friends had gone to bed so she came down in her pj's and we
partied in their room. |
Cathy was out
of it, she did not even recognize me at first. When she did, she
jumped all over me, it was nice to see an old friend. |
There were a
bunch of there from both teams, we all partied together. Leor,
Adam, Mike, Cindy, Jason, Cathy, Yama, Craig, and myself. It was
a really good time. Well at about 4am we went back to our room
because they wanted to sleep. |
The 5 drunken
fools we were stayed up more and partied, play fighting and
stuff. Have a bruise on my arm from shot for shot. |
I got about 1
hr sleep that nite before having to sit through seminars ALL
DAY. |
Thursday September 27th, 2001 |
OMG. What fun I
had last nite. Met up with CuTeN, KidBjork and M. We met at
Woody's, was there for a bit and then they took me to this place
called The Resevoir Lounge. A str8 bar on Wellington. A swing
club, music, not lifestyle (not that there is anything wrong
with a lifestyle like that). I like Swing and Jazz so I had a
blast. We ended up sitting next to Tim & Patty, a very nice
couple that have been together for about a year according to
Patty, Tim was not too sure. LOL. He was a str8 man, what str8
man knows that question? |
We partied
there for a bit and CuTeN and KidBjork left early. M and I had
fun partying the rest of the nite with Patty and Tim. Telling
jokes and getting to know them and then getting invited to their
wedding which CuTeN apparently arranged and proposed last nite
for Tim. |
Well when the
lights came on, M and I decided to walk back to the village
instead of taking a cab, it was a nice night out. The walk was
not as long as it seemed it would be. |
A fun nite had
by all who attended. |
Good luck PATTY
and TIMOTHY. I (we) hope you end up happy and die together.
After a long marriage of course, and remember what I said about
the tatoos after about 8 years of marriage. |
Wednesday September 26th, 2001 |
Ok, it has been
awhile since I have posted news. It has been hectic, with
working and trying to go out and party. There is good news and
bad news. Good news is my camera is not FUBAR'd, bad news is one
roll of film IS FUBAR'd, which sucks cause there were some good
pics there. But I did take some more with a different role the
next week and they turned out quite good actually, I am proud of
them. I am a little disappointed that the one of Superstar and
the one of Astounded did not turn out. There are others too, but
c'est la vie. |
I had to work
last Sunday morning, so I could not go out, I ended up staying
home and had some bad TV dinner. I woke up and was puking my
guts out for like an hour. I called in sick to work, but since
it was BIG TOUR day, I was coersed into going in for a couple of
hours. I felt like shit though. |
I was supposed
to go and meet some friends DT tonite for coffee and dinner, but
they bailed on me. Good think Mom and Dad called, so I hung out
with them while they were in the city for a friends fathers
funeral today. That part kinda sucked, he was a nice man. |
After that I
headed DT and met my friend TOLeo and we went to Woody's (saw
Chris23 on the way there) where we met up with JB, Tiberius,
Happy Get Lucky, Matty and Lil' One. From there it was onto the
Barn, where else. There were not as many hotties this week as
there was last week for some reason. Oh ya, the bouncer upstairs
on the 2nd floor. Just to let you guys know, he does not like
being called princess, trust me ok. |
There were a
couple of cuties there, but were interersted in me. One even
said I was a Backstreet/N'Sync wanna-be?? What the Fuck is up
with that? |
We saw JonE,
Joe, Dragyn, Skeeter (he ignored us all nite) and
ViciousBerryBubbleCake was there too, he said hi and gave me a
hug. |
Well that is it
for now. I am tired and tired of going to bed alone. |
And there was
one more thing. I was followed to my car by some old nasty thing
in his car thinking I was looking for a trick. I had to fake
calling police and reporting his licence #. So be careful boys
when you are out. Freaks are out there and they are real. |
Saturday September 15th, 2001 |
After work I
got a call from a friend Superstar, who convinced me to meet him
at Woody's. Well I was reluctant because I had worked 11-7 and
busted my ass all day, and was tired and had to work 9-5 on
Sunday. But since he is a friend and really sexy, I said yes. I
took my new roomate and her girlfriend along as well.
We went to
Woody's and met up with Superstar and his friend. We stayed
there for a bit and I found everyone there again and more. Nikko,
Greg, Brian, CuTeN, Subby, Chris B, Casper Lil' J, & Mike. We
had some fun there and then off to 5ive. I have not been to 5ive
in a long time and it was a Saturday to boot. |
On our way to
5ive, we broke out into song, well it was mostly Mike and Subby.
But we all were singing while we turned onto St. Joseph St. 'I
Will Survive' was the song of choice. It was hilarious. Mel and
her girlfriend, did not join us inside, they went to a dyke bar,
Tango's. They said they had fun there. |
Once inside we
met up with Stevieguy, Hitman, Jamiroquai, Tofer, Keisha,
Tiberius, Bradford, AlanA1 and some others, cannot member all
names. Too many new ppl at once. |
You know the
amount of fun you have at a club really does depend on who you
are with. Cause I had a blast at 5ive this nite, and the last
time I was at 5ive, it was not that fun. |
Someone picked
up tonite and got lucky, I will not mention any names as not to
embarass that person. |
The amount of
pics that I got was good, we will see how they turn out, you
will see them here soon on the pics page, maybe one embedded for
effect in here. |
And I did not
get home until about 4:15am this morning and had to be at work
for 8:30AM, ug, but I got there and was not as bitchy as I
thought I would be today. I managed to work 9-9 and still make
it home awake. I did sleep when I got home and had a Neo-Citron
and a Tylenol: Cold and Flu nightime. Cause I had to start at
5am on Monday morn. FUN!!! |
Friday September 14th, 2001 |
Holy Cow,
Gay.com nite at Woody's or what? Romper Bomper Stomper Boo, tell
me tell me tell me who? Who did I see that nite? I saw
Astounded, Casper, Tofer & Co. (Marco, Andrew?, Derek?), Hitman,
Happy, CuTeN, Subby, StevieGuy and then we met a foreigner, he
was from Orillia, not Canada. |
We had fun at
Woody's and there will be a pic as soon as they are developed.
We migrated to the Barn and spread out form there. Split up and
had fun in our groups. CuTeN, thanx for the drinks, I owe you
one or two or four. |
While at the
Barn we proceeded to have some shots of Tequila, mmmmmmmm,
Tequila. I think Astounded got the drunkest out of all of us. I
do not think that he even members how he got home. Of course we
went to Fran's afterwards. Subby, Casper, StevieGuy and myself.
They sat us in
the back of the diner, they know better now to put us back
there. Casper was actually a little drunk (sorry) pretty DRUNK
too. Him and Subby were up to their usual antics and
embarrasment. I think I saw Owen-Craig there, but that is
unconfirmed. |
Xiek got home
at like 5am and had to work at 1030am on Saturday. Xiek was a
little bitchy at work that day. |
Tuesday September 11th, 2001 |
Can you believe
what happened at 8:45am this morning. The world is shocked. I am
a little surprised that something like this did not happen
sooner to tell you the truth. |
Monday September 10th, 2001 |
I was on my way
home from work at 2:30am, I suppose this should say Tuesday
then, but I have not gone to bed and awoken, so that is the same
day for me. I was about 10km from home when a cop pulled me
over. I gave him my License and Registration like a good
citizen. He asked where I was coming from, I said work on Jane
st. He looked at me and walked back to his car. He returned
quite quickly and asked me to do him a favor. Slow down. He said
the arches helped save me, went back to his car and then drove
off in a hurry. I think he had a more important call to attend
to. :) |
Saturday September 8th, 2001 |
Where else
would I go on Saturday, you guessed it Buddies, sorry Talua's
Cabaret. We had a new member to our group this time. Melanie, my
new lesbian roomate. It was her first week in Toronto and
thought that I should take her out. She has been here before but
not many times. She seemed to have a good time at Buddies.
Casper, TOLeo, lil' Jay, Kristy, Judy were all there. We partied
as usual and went to Frans, surprise. We ended up sitting at
Elizabeths table again. Ugh. And we were next to 2 Drag Queen's
that were fucking hilarious. The jokes flying were awesome.
After Frans, we decided to walk Melanie up Church at 4am.
It was a lucky
thing we did too cause we met more ppl. Matty19 was at
Church/Wellesley getting some street meat. On the way to the car
we met up Superstar and his friend Paul, they had nowhere to
sleep. They were thinking of Cawthra Park, so Xiek being the
nice guy that he is, offered them a ride to ssuaga and the use
of his bed, they opted for the ride and took the pullout. :( But
before we could leave, we had to walk up to Cawthra Park to get
some liqor that they had stashed there earlier in the evening.
As were walking there, we met Dragyn. This is the first time
that I have met him. I believe he was on his way to FLY. Hope
you had fun Dragyn. |
This led us
back to my car where we blasted Mulan Rouge Soundtrack and while
track 10 was playing we were all singing it and pulled up beside
a van with two big ugly str8 guys in it, the looks on their
faces were priceless. |
Well can I tell
you that Superstar has an amazing body. Having him walk around
in his boxers was great. |
The rest is
another story....... |
Thursday September 6th, 2001 |
Took the
strightacting quiz and scored a level 5. If you would like to
try it, click here. |
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 |
Saturday September 1st, 2001 |
After working
all nite and then sleeping all day. I pulled an all-niter and
went out. Where else would I be on Saturday night. You guessed
it, Buddies. Had some fun partying with Casper, Jason, StevieGuy,
TOLeo, Jamiroquai & co., J<dot>Bee, and Jamie. While there I met
just Shibby and Razor was around too. There were some cuties
there tonite and the music wasn't all that bad. Gordon managed
to play lots of songs that I had requested so it was all good.
Although it was an interesting nite, with the topless Lesbians
and seeing an actual penis while I was outside second hand
smoking with Jamiroquai and his friends (who are really nice
BTW). We will not mention whose penis I saw, they know who they
are I am sure. |
I do not have
much more time to write this, as I am off to work now, damn
these all niters. |
Thursday August 30th, 2001 |
Well, Thursday.
This was an interesting day. It was sexy Adam's B-day so we had
to take him out. And we did. The only bad thing about the nite
was going to Whiskey-a-Go-Go, yes a str8 strip bar. But he is a
good friend so I made the sacrafice of sitting on perverts row
for like 4 hours. Too much fish for me. We did spend like $300
on him and got him what he wanted for his b-day. And to top off
the nite, there is nothing quite like watching a friend puke his
guts out at the end of the nite. Kind of brings a tear to your
eye eh? |
I had to go and
check out IT, since for once I was not working at 4am on Monday
morning it seemed like a good night to go. I made plans with
Happy, Astounded, Tiberius and J.B. Happy and J.B. showed but
the other never showed up. That is ok, I filled your spaces with
Hitman and my other friend Stevie. I am not sure if I will make
IT a regular stop. I felt a lot of attitude there. IT was too
pushy shovy for me. I left IT just after 1am. I was going to go
home but decided to make a stop by the Barn. Tradition I
suppose. Stayed there for a bit and left at 2am. No one was
really there. |
So Sunday was
not as eventful as the other 2 nights of my weekend off, but I
still enjoyed the weekend as a package. |
Saturday August 25th, 2001 |
The night
started off with Casper & I going to TOLEO's place to pre-drink
before going to Buddies. I had not expected a mini Gay.com party
there. Stevieguy21, ChadChad, Happy, Hitman, Subby, Capser,
TOLEO, Astounded, Razor25, Jamiroqua, Tofer, Keisha, Aidan02. I
did recognize some others there but had never met them before.
Saturday was another fun night. With TOLEO celebrating his 51st
B-Day, how could we not have fun. Gordon, thanx a million for
announcing it to the club. Yes, he DID fall of the stage again,
he blames Happy, since he was trying to let him up on stage, I
think it was the Rum & 7's that he was drinking. |
BTW, the
bartender at Buddies is excellent, you can tell this cause I do
not need to say anything when I approach the bar. I just walk up
and usually when I get there my Rum & Coke (for all you boyz who
want to buy me a drink, now you know what I drink) is ready. I
say that this is a good thing, because it is rare to find a
bartender that is that good, ALL THE TIME. |
It is too bad
that TOLEO had to leave early. He was walking up from the
washrooms and some girl decided to hurl as she was walking down
the stairs, it hit his pant leg and shoes. After trying to wash
it out in the bathroom, he still stunk like a cheap whore. So he
left and they would not let him back in. I think it sounded
somewhat like a victim statement to me. He just didn't know
where the
chips were. |
After Buddies
it was off to the usual FRAN's. Astounded, too bad you did not
want to come with us. I really do think that the waiters there
are getting fed up with is, John, we really do appreciate your
service. |
While at Fran's
Subby was his usual self. Doing his Dame Edna impression a long
with Barney Gumble, Moe, and of course, Cleo. So of course we
were the loudest table in there, what is new. |
From there it
was off to the cars. Where when we were in the Parking Lot,
Subby's car was trying to $#% XIEK. But my car has standards, it
wanted nothing to do with his. |
Well it was a
nite of partying since I had the weekend off of work. It was off
to Buddies to meet some friends for a drink. With Ryan getting
outed by his boyfriends now EX-roomate. It was an interesting
start to the night. While at Woody's I had heard that Subby,
Casper, J.B., Tofer were out and about. Tiberius, thanx for the
tip. So off to the Barn I went to see if I could find them. I
got there and found them. While there I finally met BSB,
although he was ignoring me at first I think. I still dunno on
that one. I also had the pleasure of meeting with Astounded. So
it was a good night. |
On the way out
of the Barn at about 3am, I was grabbed by a boy that I had
never met before named Owen-Craig who has 3 houses around the
city. Owen-Craig, I would have went to Fran's with you guys if I
was not so tired. Next time you see me, I will make it up to
you. |
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